Just The Start (1)

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The sun was nearly set but even in Georgia, that sun light would melt you like butter in a hot pan.

It was mid June, and this damn apocalypse had gotta no better. We would be in and out of groups non stop.

Nobody wanted us.

We were just a bunch of stragglers depending on other people for survival but no more.

Eventually it'd be just us.

I should probably introduce us knowing you have no clue who I am talking about. I am Mariah Langsten, I go by May or Mariah. My friends, or the ones left would call me Mariah Carrie because how I could sing. I never heard it like they did.

I am with two other survivors, My best friend Beth Greene.

Once the shit hit the fan I had no chance to find her. But once I finally got to their house.

They were all gone, the barn was burn to nothing, few walkers lurker and something that looked like their house.

She told me a hoard got them and she told me about her group and what happened.

It nearly killed me when she told me what happened to Hershel. He was like my second dad when we were kids. We cried for a while in each other arms.

Then the other survivor was a guy I found on my way to Hershel's, which was over a 4 or 5 months ago. I lost count, besides his name is Andrew Winder.

Him and Beth became a thing, but we decided not to tell her we've had.... urm shall I say intercourse only once. It was for comforting purposes, but we both knew deep down.

It was defiantly for the hell of it, we haven't had any one sexually for a long time. 

I was 23, blonde hair and brown eyes.

Beth was 21, blonde with blue eyes. She was so damn pretty.

Andy (As I called him) was 25, brown hair and blue eyes.

I had zero training before all this started, all I did was play video games, eat food and cuss at online players when they pissed me off.

I didn't have much of a life. Never really had a good boyfriend, not even a decent.

They all wanted me for my body. Which I thought was bull shit. I dropped out of out high school soon enough. I sucked in everything I was a horrible person, I was a waste of oxygen on this earth.

Sometimes I wondered if I bullet would make a nice last meal. 

Beth on the other hand was a straight A student, not like that matters anymore though. She never got to finish school because the apocalypse. I never remembered how we became friends, we were completely opposite.

She had a great boyfriend, Jimmy. He died by the walkers. Figured. She had no training either, but good thing we had Andy because he had tons of experience no need to get into that though, all you need to know is he is good.

Really good. 

Okay now that you know us, our journey begins here:

As I was saying it was hot, If you said it was hotter than the sun. I'd believe you.

We had followed these train tracks for days now. Beth told us if her group and sister saw this they'd go looking for the rest of them.

I thought she was insane.

Andy thought it was dumb and they were all dead. He never said it though, you could just see it in his eyes, they spoke more than he did. 

"Shall we camp out here?" I questioned. They stopped walking in front of me and said something to either other that was inaudible. They turned around and walked towards me. "Yes" Beth answered out of breath. 

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