Jisoo likes your smile

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As days went by, Jennie had this unconscious habit to look forward to their group meeting. Rosé noticed that.

"Why are you always so happy about your group project?"

"Me? I'm not." Jennie felt offended for no reason.

"Do you like someone from your group?"

"I am what??" this time Jennie felt Rosé attacked her, "Rosie what are you talking about?" she pouted, tried her best to look offended.

"Girl, relax. Why are you being too serious." Rosé rolled her eyes.

"Anyway, Lisa said Jisoo sa-" Rosé was purposefully fishing for Jennie's reaction and before Jennie could stop herself, she quickly replied to Rosé,

"What? Jisoo did what?"

"Why are you so excited about?" Rosé gave Jennie a rhetoric question and gave her a knowing look.

Jennie was blushing, she tried to compose herself, "Nevermind. Not that I care." Jennie said nonchalantly.

"Okay.. Since you don't care, I won't tell you what Jisoo said to Lisa about you." Rosé smiled and counted 3... 2... 1...

"Why are you keeping a secret from me Rosie?" Jennie finally said pleadingly. Rosé could see Jennie tried her best not to let her impatience showed.

"Jisoo said she likes your smile." Rosé said slowly, she waited for Jennie's reaction.

Jennie suddenly felt a burst of sensations in her stomach. She what? Ugh.. She could not stop herself from blushing. She was blushing so hard it was impossible to hide. She tried her best not to smile and she ended up with an awkward facial expression. Jisoo likes her smile, she repeated it in her head and suddenly she felt giddy.

"Ugh." she said uncomfortably.

"Mhm.." Rosé said teasingly. She let Jennie lost in her thoughts, she knew her friend so well. Maybe there's something there, she thought as they walked to the parking lot.


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