She smiled back

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Today was rather good, if Jennie could be honest. They finally came up with their business idea. They also had a good laugh. Of course Jennie tried her best not to laugh as much as she wanted, she couldn't open up much to these strangers. Jennie noticed, beside good at being annoying, Jisoo was actually very good in making people laugh. She had this witty humor. Her jokes were clever and Jisoo masked them with a rather stupid delivery. What's best, uh, she meant worst about Jisoo was, she always laughed at her own jokes! That made the jokes even funnier since her laugher itself was already funny. Also, she noticed that Jisoo had a heart-shaped smile, and the wider she smileed or laughed, the more obvious it was. Not that Jennie care though.

She's so dumb, Jennie thought.

On the other hand, Jisoo was feeling ecstatic. She wasn't her usual self. She usually didn't bother to be this talkative, she generally prefers to listen than to talk. But she noticed that Jennie, ugh, she meant her group mates, were laughing at her jokes and that made Jisoo happy. They didn't always get her jokes, but she noticed Jennie was almost always smiling every time she told them jokes. Even if it wasn't that funny. Even if she hadn't finished the talking yet. She was wondering why Jennie thought she was that funny. Maybe there was something in her face? But she didn't care, it was somehow like a drug for Jisoo to see Jennie's gummy smile, ugh, she meant to see everyone's smile.

By the time they finished working today, Jisoo felt a little bit sad. She didn't know why, maybe because today was nice and now the day ended. Jisoo looked up at Jennie and she saw Jennie looked not as happy as she was before. Maybe she is hungry already, Jisoo thought. It was almost dinner time.

As they were saying goodbye to each other, Jisoo looked up to Jennie. She was hesitant at first, but she decided to give Jennie a smile. Jennie subtly looked surprised, but she slowly smiled back to Jisoo then quickly looked away. The smile was too subtle, Jisoo almost couldn't catch it. Jisoo's heart fluttered a bit as she made her way out of the hotel room.

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