Eat slowly, Jennie

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Jisoo and Jennie didn't really talk to each other during lunch. Jennie didn't understand why Jisoo suddenly reacted the way she did. She was just asking where Lisa was! Is she mad because I'm here and disturb her time with Taehyung?

Taehyung was the only one who made the conversation and Jisoo responded to him out of politeness. Jennie was actually enjoying the food but it tasted a bit flavorless when she could see how Jisoo and Taehyung laughed together for something she didn't understand. It made her realize how she had lost a year; meanwhile Taehyung had built a strong friendship with Jisoo during that time. She felt a pinch in her heart just to think about it; the feeling was worsen by the fact that she was the one who refused the friendship.

Taehyung tried to include Jennie into the conversation, he asked about her first year and her opinion about Jisoo as her new driver. Apparently Jisoo told him about her. She was wondering what else Jisoo told him, all those things Taehyung knows but she doesn't...

"So currently, Jisoo is your longest-serving driver?" Taehyung asked, he was amazed.

"Yes. She's a good driver." Jennie said, she stole a glance at Jisoo, who seemed unbothered. She was just eating her rice. Jennie was annoyed.

"I always knew that," Taehyung looked to Jisoo with pride, "What about you take me home once a while, Jisoo? I want to be spoiled too." he joked.

"Sure, why not. What about tonight?" Jisoo winked playfully at Taehyung.

"Ooh, you want to meet my parents already? Naughty Jisoo..." Taehyung teased her back.

Jennie was choked. She coughed violently, her face was red.

Fucking fuck! What the fuck was that???

"Jennie are you okay?" Jisoo finally paid her attention, she hurriedly gave a glass of water to her. Jisoo was hesitant at first, but she decided to stroke Jennie's back lightly to help ease the coughing.

"I am okay." Jennie answered, her voice was hoarse. Her face became even more red, but it's for another reason. She felt jealous, but she also had this strong feeling of giddiness by Jisoo's touch.

"Eat slowly, Jennie." Taehyung said worriedly.

Maybe I can eat peacefully if you just mind your business and not trying to flirt with Jisoo in front of my plate, Jennie smiled to Taehyung.

"Yeah. I am okay." she said. Jisoo stopped with her stroke, her face was flushing. She continued eating and ignored Jennie.

When they finally finished their meals, Jisoo looked to Jennie, "We're going to unpack the boxes after this."

"Okay. I can help." Jennie said stubbornly. Do you think I will let you and Taehyung do it together without my watch?

"Okay." Jisoo said briefly, she shifted her gaze from Jennie. Jennie saw her flushing a bit, but she thought it was because of the warm weather.

They went back to the apartment. Taehyung walked before them. Jisoo and Jennie were strolling behind him, walking side by side in silence. Jennie felt the tension but she wouldn't want to speak, she didn't want to provoke Jisoo, seemed like she wasn't in a good mood. She stole a glance at Jisoo, Jisoo turned her head to her and stared at her. She looked annoyed, Jennie stared back with the same annoyance.

Ungrateful brat! Why is she waging war with me?

Jennie shifted her gaze away from Jisoo but she still felt Jisoo staring at her. It was uncomfortable but she wasn't ready yet to give up.

I ain't leaving you alone with this flirty dangerous friend of yours!


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