Going nowhere

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After taking Soojoo and Bona back to the hotel, Jisoo walked back to The Castle to find Jennie. She had all the rooms checked but she could't find her. She tried to call her phone but it went straight to her voicemail. Irene, Lisa and Rosé were already in their rooms. But where's Jennie?

She went to the third floor, despite of her fear of heights, she tried to scan her surrounding, looking for the girl she was desperate to spend time with. She was almost gave up when she finally saw a small figure sitting alone on a bench outside, not too far from where she was, looking at the night view. Her heart fluttered.

She went outside, to where Jennie was.


"Jennie, it's cold."

Jennie was startled, she looked around and found Jisoo was walking towards her, holding out her coat to her.

"Take this."

"I'm fine." She let Jisoo put the coat on her shoulders from behind.

"What are you doing out here? Aren't you cold?" Jisoo took a seat beside her on the cold bench.

"What are you doing out here? Aren't you suppose to snuggle up with Soojoo in your warm room and sing her lullaby right now?"

"Are you mad because I took them back to the hotel?" Jisoo's voice came soft and scared.

"Am I mad? You wish! Why would I?? I don't really care." her tone betrayed her words.

"You left before I finished saying what I wanted to say."

"You chose her over me, Jisoo!" Jennie bawled out.

She looked away.

She's mad.

"But I'm here now. I was just taking them back... They were obviously a little drunk and it was dark already."

Jennie scoffed.

"Soojoo called me Jennifer again."

"I told you it was just-"

"... and she had the audacity to tell me that I embarrassed her. She embarrassed herself!"


"I just tried to remove her hands from you..." Jennie kept on going, "You know what, we don't have to argue like this if you refrained yourself from touching her and flirting back. But you didn't, you were all over her..."

"When did I-"

"Do you think I didn't see that?" Jennie accused her.

"Saw what? You're making things up at this point."

"Are you kidding me? You clearly enjoyed her company; you said you wouldn't flirt back. Bullshit."

"I enjoy her company, sure, she's my friend but since when-"

"See?? Then why did you deny it? Just say you like her and go!"

Jisoo sighed, this wasn't what she expected. She wanted to spend time with Jennie not in a hostile situation like this.

"Why did I even come here?" Jennie complained, "I rather spend my time with Doyeon."

"Excuse me?" Jisoo felt anger built up inside of her.

"She asked me out this weekend, for your information."

"Who is she to you and why do you keep talking about her?"

"Why? Can't I talk about my friend? You said you enjoyed Soojoo's company, can't I enjoy her company too?"

"I have never brought up anyone else when we're together. You kept bringing up Soojoo, Doyeon and who else? Who else is on your mind while you're with me?"

"Why are you accusing me while Taehyung, Yeri..."

"Who the fuck is Yeri??"

"She likes you. In fact she posted-"

"I don't like any of them for fuck's sake! What are you talking about."

Jennie was taken aback. She liked what she heard but she was still furious of what had happened.

"Why are you picking up fights with me, Jennie? Why can't we just-"

"I told you to stay, but you didn't. There would't be a fight had you chosen me over her."

"Why do you think I am here then? I went away just for a few minutes. I'm here..."

Jennie had enough, it was going nowhere, "Soojoo first, Jennie second."

She got up and walked away from her.

Or so she thought.

Because Jisoo grabbed her. This time she didn't grab her by her wrist.

But she held her hand to stop her from leaving.


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