Jennie's world

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Approaching the end of the semester and the exams that followed, Jisoo had to juggle herself between the academic and personal life. Jisoo and the dorks spent most of their free time in the library. Once in a while, Jennie would visit her, bringing some coffee and donuts. She didn't stay long though, she didn't want to distract Jisoo from her study.

Despite of their busy schedule, Jisoo and Jennie always made time for each other. Though she found it uncomfortable, Jisoo would occasionally hang out with Jennie and her friends. Most of the time, she would come late on purpose so that she didn't have to order anything but water.

The best part wasn't hanging out with Jennie and her circle. It was when Jennie took her home and they could have time all by themselves in the car. Sometimes when they were already in front of Jisoo's apartment, they would stay inside the car for hours, especially during the weekend; chatting about everything and nothing. Sometimes they would just let the silence took over the space; since what left unspoken between them had condensed the air- like a thick cloud closing in their minds.

There were times when Jisoo wanted to invite Jennie over to her room so they could chat more comfortably, but she knew better. Being with Jennie in her small apartment room, especially late at night, wasn't a good idea. So Jisoo would just enjoy what she could enjoy, all aware that she was pulled into the other girl's gravity even stronger day by day.

Jisoo wasn't someone who enjoyed herself in a party, but she managed to attend some parties that Jennie attended. Oftentimes, she would meet with Irene unnie, who had this obvious dislike towards Jennie's IB circle. What ironic was, her boyfriend was a jerk. Kim Suho, a fourth-year medical student was a bright student, he was handsome and his family ran a prestigious hospital in Seoul. But his attitude towards Irene was totally disgusting.

It wasn't hard to find out what was going on between the two, rumors about them circulated rapidly. It hadn't always been like that, people said. They started the relationship well, they were everyone's favorite couple; but just when the relationship seemed to be getting more serious, things went south.

Some said it was because Suho's family wanted him to marry a future doctor from a doctor family. Meanwhile, Irene majored in Accounting and was a daughter of a judge. Suho blamed Irene for his family reluctance to accept her.

Other people said it was because Irene's increased popularity after she became the Union's president. Suho couldn't grasp it, how could a girl that his family disproved get all these attention? He didn't know what to do with Irene, seemed like he still wanted her to be around, yet he treated her like trash. Irene unnie looked like she still had an attachment to him, so she just spared the rod, and spared the rod, and naturally gave him the power to abuse her. What a funny way to express love, Jisoo thought. Was it still love, anyway? Maybe love had turned into obsessions. Maybe love was still there but hidden under things that mattered more; like families, social status and ego.

Whatever the real reason was, Jisoo had this urge to punch Suho in the face.

Among all this mess in Jennie's world, what kept Jisoo happy was Lisa and Rosé's relationship. It got stronger and stronger. Rosé was definitely head over heels in love for Lisa and the lovebirds were not ashamed to show their affection in public. Jisoo found it gross whenever she saw them making out; it was like seeing your baby sister all grown up and doing the adult stuff. And it was weird. Totally weird.

Once or twice Jisoo would take the dorks to the party with her, and they ended up sitting at the corner, watching and laughing at people acting stupid under the excessive influence of alcohol. Jisoo noticed that Taehyung's interest in Irene unnie was at the same intensity as his hatred towards her boyfriend. Taehyung would glower at him and Jisoo could tell that he too wanted to punch Suho in the face.

So this was the Jennie's world. What Jisoo had experienced was quite new. But this wasn't the world she thought she could really fit into. Jisoo was willing to adjust herself a little bit but not too much and she hoped Jennie could see that she was at least trying.

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