The Breakdown

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Rosé went to JNK Hotel and found Jennie in a private room at JNK nightclub; crying alone looking like a mess. Her lips were chapped and her melted eyeliner colored her eyes dark. While telling her story, Jennie kept on touching the necklace she was wearing, which Rosé later found out that it was from Jisoo.

"Jennie, she must be saving for months to get you that beautiful necklace..."

Hearing that, Jennie broke down and cried again.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you sad..."

Rosé saw how Jisoo kept her bag close to her chest that night, as if she put her whole life inside. She was nervous the whole night waiting for Jennie to come. And when she asked Lisa to keep her bag somewhere safe, Rosé could tell, that her girlfriend too, treated the bag like it was the most precious thing.

Rosé's heart was broken to pieces.

"Jennie... do you know what you want?"

"Yes! I want her to be my girlfriend... Tonight... I really want her, Rosie..." Jennie sobbed in between her words, "I thought she was finally taking me to her apartment..."

Softly, Rosé replied, "I mean... with Kai."

"We're talking about Jisoo here..." Jennie tried to avoid, "You don't need to bring him up."

"I know, I'm sorry..."

"And how does it make any difference? She could just ignore him and be my girlfriend..." Jennie started to sob again, "I want her so bad, you don't understand..."

"I suppose she could... But if you're still thinking about Kai..."

"I don't have feelings for him anymore!"

"Then... shouldn't you let him go?"

"He came to me," Jennie hissed, "I didn't seek him. This has nothing to do with him, she was the one who couldn't commit herself!"

"For God's sake, Jennie... Have you been blaming her all night?"

Jennie just kept sobbing, she didn't want to respond.

"Knowing her, she must be putting the blame on herself anyway."

Jennie knew it was true and somehow it made a cut on her already deeply wounded heart.

"Jennie," Rosé softened her approach, hoping Jennie would catch the undertone, "I don't think Jisoo backed down just because she saw a random boy approaching you. It was too easy."

"What are you implying? There is nothing between Kai and I. I don't fucking know what she saw," Jennie tried to convince her bestfriend, eyes wild and dejected, "For God's sake, Rosie, I don't know what else to say... I don't love him anymore."

Jennie just refused to listen to Rosé, her wound was still too fresh and she couldn't take any blame.

"Jen... Give me a hug. We'll figure out..."



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