I miss you.

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She gave her the remedy tea little by little while Jisoo was still sitting. Jisoo didn't like the taste, she refused to open her mouth and she frowned.

"Jisoo, please drink it. It will make you feel better."

Jisoo pouted and turned her head away. Jennie put her hand on the side of Jisoo's cheek and turned her head to her again, she tried to make her drink the tea. She checked the time, Jisoo needed to take her medicine in thirty minutes. She let her lay down on bed again. Jennie sustained her head when she helped her lay down, her body touched Jisoo's and she could feel her body's heat creeping on her. She felt warm and her cheeks were blushing.

Jennie brought the dirty dishes to the kitchen, she was about to wash them when she suddenly heard Jisoo was calling for her. She wasn't sure if she heard things at first but then she heard her calling again. She went back to Jisoo. She was still sleeping.

"Jennie?" Jisoo's voice sounded weak and distressed.

"Jisoo? Do you need something?" She quickly came to her and touched her hand softly to make her know that she was there.

"Jennie? Please don't go yet."

"I'm here. I am not going anywhere."

Jisoo tried to find Jennie's hand and when she found it, she held it with her weak grip as if she tried to keep Jennie from leaving her.

"Please don't walk away from me again. Please wait." her voice sounded desperate, "I will make it up to you."

Jennie's heart dropped, she didn't know what to say, she didn't understand what Jisoo did, but her heart felt warm. Why is she calling for me in her delirium?

"My... My head is heavy. Please wait for me." Jennie saw her eyes movement under her closed eyes. Jisoo frowned.

"Jisoo, I am here." she said softly.

"I'll get you an ice cream. After this. You wait here... Please... Jennie you're still here?" She could see her sweating and her breathing heavy.

Jennie felt Jisoo tried to tighten her weak grip on her, she felt a lump in her throat, "I am here, I am not going anywhere."

"Okay." frowning, she sounded unsure.

"Okay..." Jennie whispered to her.


Few minutes later, Jennie removed her hand from Jisoo's weak grip. She helped Jisoo to sit on her bed and take her medicines. She took her temperature; the temperature had decreased but it was still high. She put Jisoo to sleeping position again.

Jennie saw that there were some floor chairs, she took one and sit beside Jisoo's bed. She looked around the room, it was now decent and comfortable. She felt a pang of jealousy, how long she and Taehyung had been working on this room?

She remembered when she dropped by and helped her with the moving; Jisoo was ignoring her and she felt annoyed. Jennie looked to Jisoo, she didn't understand her.

What are you thinking, Jisoo? Did you really mean what you said to me Monday morning? Why did you ignore me and tell me that what we did during summer didn't matter? And why did you come to my house, waited for me for hours. Jennie was blushing, you're even calling out to me during your delirium...

It was as if Jisoo could hear her thoughts, she suddenly lift her hand and looking for Jennie's. Jennie shyly gave her hand to Jisoo. Jisoo quickly grabbed it and pulled it closer to her. Jennie could feel her heart thumping on her chest. She too didn't wanna let go.

"Jennie?" Jisoo searched for her.

"I am here."

"Please don't walk away from me again..." she begged.

Jennie held her breath, "Why?"

"I miss you."


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