Manna's Soul Food Restaurant

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It's Saturday day morning and I should be home getting ready to go shopping with Anya but I got called in to cover a shift. But I'm looking forward to this day cause in 2 hours I have this date with Mar. A little nervous but excited at the same time. Usually I don't feel this kinda way when dudes ask to take me out but like I said there's just something about Amaru he truly is "Brooklyn's Finest".
*almost 2 hours later*
Thank you God I have 15 minutes left of this shift! I grabbed my phone to go on Instagram real quick but then I was interrupted by a call from Amaru.
"Goodmorning beautiful, ya shift almost over right?" He asked
"Goodmorning Mar and yes my shift will be over in about 15 minutes."
"Alright well I'll be there in 15 minutes be ready, don't have me waiting."
Oh shit I forgot I'm in my work uniform! I need more than 15 minutes! I need about 2 hours to get myself looking nice. I thought to myself.
"Ummmm-" he interrupted me
"What?" He asked
"I'm in my work uniform" I said
"Mannnn I don't care bout all that, I just wanna see you!" He said aggravated
I sucked my teeth and said "fine whatever." I'm sorry but I'm the type of girl that cares about my appearance a lot.
"Listen don't be sucking yo teeth with me nigga." He said
I laughed "alright man see you in 15"
"Iight bet." He hung up.
*15 minutes later*
I was grabbing my coat and saying my goodbyes to my co-workers and patients. It was exactly 10:00 and that's when I heard a car beeping outside. And guess who it was Mar 😍! Right on time, he wasn't playing.He pulled up in a nice white Benz. I hoped in the passengers side and we starting driving and talking.
He asked me, "you said you from Harlem right? And soul food is your favorite right?"
I told him this last night on the phone and wow he actually remembered!
"Yes and yes." I said shortly
"Iight well I gotta place we can go"
And we pulled up to my favorite restaurant Manna's Soul Food Restaurant right there on Malcolm X Blvd! I was so happy not only cause I was hungry but he brought me to my favorite place and I didn't even tell me this was my favorite place!
Well shawty said she was from Harlem and she liked soul food so why not bring her to Manna's? That's the spot. I could see in her face that she was happy but yet shocked.
"I'm pretty sure you been here before." I said to her.
"Hell yeah! This is my favorite spot ever since I was a little girl." She answered.
"Is this your first time being on a date with someone here?" I asked suspiciously, I gotta know!
"Yes it is Mar, yes it is don't worry" she said smiling.
"Good cause I wanna be the first nigga to. The first and last." I said seriously. She just smiled and we got our food.
We sat down and talked for a while. I was really feeling shawty. I usually don't take females out and stuff like that cause ima playa well use to be at least, a nigga thinking bout settling down well if she's the right one. I'm not sure yet if she isn't then that's a dub but if so that's future wifey. As we were talking I couldn't stop staring at how beautiful she was like mannnnn. And come to find out we have a a lot in common like a lot. Damn I ain't even realize that we've been here all day just chatting. Even tho I didn't want to but I had to take her home.

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