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Last Time on The Forgotten Mage:

  "We're going to rent three rooms, two rooms for the boys and one room for the girls." Erza replied, answering Wendy's question without hesitation nor confirmation from the other members-just as a statement. Immediately after saying that, she walked up to the reception and asked for three rooms-two containing five beds and one containing four beds.

  Taking one of the keys leading to one of the two five bed rooms, Erza threw the other two keys to Jura. "You guys can figure out who goes to which room." With that said, Erza started rushing the other four girls and exceed with her to their room, not wanting the guys that she knew were going to fight embarrass her in front of so many people.

  As for the guys, Natsu and Gray were already fighting. Supposedly, somehow everyone became part of it and Jura sat back and watched as they attempted to figure out who goes to which room.

  "I call the room with five!" Jura announced, knowing that no one was going to pay attention.

Dedicated to Darktimelights. The story will now resume.


Looking down at the green lacrima, the caped girl spoke in a soft voice. "Aito, are you there?" The girl moved slightly from her seating position, revealing that she had golden brown hair. Patiently, with she waited for Aito to reply. A deep, raspy voiced suddenly filled the cave.

  "What do you want Reece?" At this, Reece pouted and folded her hands in front of her.

"Shiro~! I placed the-"

"Goddamit Reece! Do you not understand how to be careful?! People could be listening in to this!" Shiro interrupted, all impressions of being sleepy gone from his voice. Reece whimpered slightly at the sudden harshness of his voice.

"B-B-But I made sure no one was here! I know that no one is here!" The other side of the lacrima sighed. "You don't know when someone will come after you checked stupid." At this statement, Reece didn't say a word, knowing fully well that Aito was right—he was always right. Aito gave another tired sigh.

"You did a good job Reece. Now we just have to wait and see what happens. I shall go now. Get some rest too." Abruptly, the lacrima turned from its shiny green to a more dull color. Sighing, Reece waved her hand above the green sphere and it suddenly disappeared. Suddenly, the frown on Reece's face lifted as a thought passed her mind.

"At least he complimented me~" Reece giggled before disappearing herself, leaving an air of dust to blow as she disappeared.


Back at Honey Bone, Erza and Yukina are awake early in the morning-just as the sun rises from the sea. As they were both packing their bags, Yukina couldn't help but ask something that has been bothering her since the start of their mission.

"Erza-san..." The said person turned their head to the source stopping what she was doing and putting all attention to the white-haired mage.

"Ano... Who is exactly Felicia...?" Surprised overcame Erza's face as she just remembered something-they had not introduced the others who Felicia was.

"Felicia is a Fairy Tail member that we sort of... forgotten about..." Erza said, laughing shyly at the end, not meeting Yukina's surprised eyes.

"How could you forget...?" Erza shrugged, not knowing how they could've forgotten too.

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