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Last Time On The Forgotten Mage:

A door creaked open and  a set of black combat boots echoed. The room suddenly dimmed as the man  approached the bed, the fire that was once burning so brightly being  set into a cowardly glow that would shame his brothers. As the man stood  over the bed, he found a lifeless form. Sighing to himself, he shook  his head while chuckling.

"Should've known..."

Dedicated to natty3123. The story will resume now.


Awakening from her slumber, Erza peeled her eyes open and was met with a deep gray ceiling. Her head was pounding as she sat up, massaging her forehead as she surveyed her surroundings.

She found Rufus and Jura with her, inside a dirty cell.

"Erza," Rufus said, glancing at the scarlet-haired mage who had just woken. Jura's vision strayed from the stone wall to the mage as well, watching as she massaged her forehead.

"We've been separated from everyone else. It doesn't seem like anyone else is near either," he said, reverting his gaze back to the stone wall. To the very least, they had offered a cot that Erza was then laying on.

"What exactly happened?" she muttered, swinging her legs so that they dangled on the edge of the cot. She glanced at Rufus then Jura.

"Someone ambushed us—sending out some sort of sleeping gas. The guy we've been following was most likely allied up with them too. Now were locked in this magic nullifying cell," Rufus replied lightly, unsure of the requip mage's reaction. Erza nodded with a thoughtful look.

"Wha-" Erza stopped, unsure of what she was about to say. The ambush was unexpected anyway—the man looked way too harmless. No one thought of someone like him had been part of a plan such as this. As she thought harder on this problem, a massive headache pierced through the mess.

Gripping the sides of her head, the scarlet-haired gave a soft cry of agony. Her heart was pounding hard and the pain was increasing by the second.

Her hands grasped tresses of her scarlet hair, almost pulling them out from their roots. She clenched her teeth and let out a screech. It felt as if her thoughts were being forcefully ripped out—that as she pounded upon the Doors of Memories, the keeper sent a wave of monsters to her, who was defenseless with no weapons nor equipment.

 Just as how sudden the pain formed, it had disappeared.

"Erza! Are you okay?" Jura asked, watching as the scarlet-haired heaved in and out heavy breaths. Both Rufus and Jura were on their feet, watching as Titania scream out in a pain they couldn't understand.

"Uhn, I'm fine..." she trailed off as her hands made their way to her sides, balling into fists. A heavy atmosphere fell between the trio as they were lost in thought.


Walking the halls was a white haired man, his dark trench coat slightly lined with fur. Black combat boots clicked the floor, the sound echoing endlessly. Adjusting his glasses, they glared against the lamp light. Rouge eyes glowed in the darkness, pale skin accompanying the color. A harsh smirk contorted his face as he heard the cries of the captives.

Closer the cries became as they became louder. Being steps away from the darkened iron bars, the man stopped, releasing his gloved hands from his pockets. He rehearsed what he was going to say before making his firm steps to face the prisoners.

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