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Last Time on The Forgotten Mage:

Arms surrounded her as she was lifted bridal-style. Her head rolled onto the chest of the person carrying her. Her right arm was limply hanging to her side while her left was placed atop of her stomach. Her blank, blue eyes stared into nothingness as she wondered where she was going.

Her back was met with cool silk and her head was guided onto an airy, fluffy pillow. A cool, soft fabric was draped over her body and she was tucked in slightly. A soft hand hovered above her face before they made one swoop above her face, closing her eyelids and touching her lips slightly. Footsteps followed after, the sound getting softer and softer until she couldn't hear them any longer.

As much as she wanted to stay awake and find out about her surroundings, Felicia's body told a different story. Her mind screamed to stay awake but her body refused to. Her mind collapsed and she slipped into unconsciousness.

Dedicated to Feentau Thank you so much for the support and your touching message (for me it was touching :P). I literally wanted to cry because of it!

The story will resume now.


The sound of birds chirping was what woke her up. What met her as she peeled her eyes open was a tail.

Hands twitching, Felicia slowly rose from her bed, making the owner of the tail to scurry away. Her head, aching and slightly numb, wasn't able to react fast enough for her to see the being who had once accompanied her bed. Massaging the sides of her head, she surveyed her surroundings as her headache became more tolerant.

 The room was a dark-red color scheme—the walls a dark cherry red with black damask patterns. The bed she laid on had dark velvet curtains pulled back and the sheets were pure white—the silk duvet that had covered her in her sleep being pure white with red damask patterns. The pillows that her head rested on were a white color with black designs.

 The floors were white marble and had shocked Felicia as she attempted to get out of bed. The floors were cold to the touch—even as the fireplace had a large fire blazing.

 Touching the floors once again, Felicia leaned over her bed and felt the floor with her hands, her white hair following along and slightly sprawling on the floor. She delicately laid her hands upon the surface and winced. It was only then did she notice what she was wearing.

 Getting back up, she looked down at her apparel. Instead of the outfit she had in the other day, a light lavender nightgown had been replaced. A black necklace was atop of the nightgown, a blue moonstone embedded onto the center of the necklace—creating a beautiful contrast between the two.

 Remembering a thought, Felicia immediately checked her neck, feeling the familiar choker she had placed before. Her wide eyes returned to normal size as she relaxed.

 Running her hands through her hair, Felicia thought, Where am I...?

 "You're awake?" the white-haired mage oriented to the source of the voice—a familiar black-haired mage coming into view.

 "Ryu," she said in a raspy voice, her eyes slanting as she looked at the mage.

 "Oh fine Felicia! I am honored that you had remembered a name such as mine," Ryu bowed as his right leg went behind his left, his right arm crossing his chest as he lightly lifted his coat. Raising his head, a crooked grin graced Ryu's face as his bright green eyes gave a playful feel.

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