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play the music to the side or find your own :P optional only

Dedicated to MashedPotatoesHere. Thank you for the first ever vote~


In the town of Fiore, a girl was walking down the streets. No one knew who she was. All they knew, was that she was heading to Fairy Tail.

Some of the towns people were a bit annoyed.

Now another crazy wizard to deal with was what they thought. Certainly though, she had to be like the others.

Felicia, the girl, kept on walking to the guild in silence but her mind was anything but that.

What if they forgot about her? Is there any new guild members? What if there was a new master around? These thoughts kept on coming to her mind until she was in front of the guild doors.

The mage was scared. Bad thoughts invaded her mind. Shaking them off, she took a breath.

The doors of the guild creaked open as someone came in. Everyone watched. In came a girl with blue-indigo eyes and medium-long silver hair with bangs. The armor she had on was a bit massive and so was the sword on her back.

Everyone was still. Finally a certain pink head spoke up.

"Who are you?"

The girl looked at him. Instead of replying, she walked up to Master.

By now, Natsu was fuming with anger. No one just pops into a guild and ignore everyone there!

Natsu then sniffed the air. The girl had an odd scent. A scent not even he could put together. But it was also like something was blocking it at the same time. He couldn't quite pin-point this.

When Felicia was infront of the Master, she bent one knee down and bowed.

"I'm back, Master." Everyone gasped at the sudden introduction.

Felicia didn't know how to react. Should she be sad? Angered? Sorry? What should she feel?

"Who are you?" Makarov questioned, looking down at the girl. He couldn't get rid of the feeling of recognition once seeing her frame.

By now, everyone in the guild was frozen. Nobody made a sound or movement.

"We've never seened you in the guild!" Erza was seething with rage. How could this unknown person just come barging into the guild and say that they're part of it!

Before Felicia could reply to Erza, Makarov spoke up.

"Everyone! I will get this problem resolved! Come with me..." Makarov walked away and Felicia followed in suite.

Makarov led Felicia to what seemed like his office. Right off the bat, she saw an apology letter and smiled. The guild was still rowdy as ever.

After her mini flashback, Felicia turned back to Master to only see him have a confused look.

Makarov was very confused. Who is this girl? Why does it seem like he met her before? There was only one way to find out.

"First off, what is your name, dear?"


"Well then, Felicia, can you please show your guild mark?"

She knew that that question was going to be asked sooner or later. But she still knew that she could trust Master. Slowly, she slid off her left glove and showed her guild mark. It was placed on the outside of her arm and just a few inches below her wrist.

The Forgotten Mage | Fairy Tail FFWhere stories live. Discover now