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Last time on The Forgotten Mage:

"Use all your power! I want to see just how strong you are to be in the S-Class," Natsu said and pulled back his fist.

"As your request, I shall use instead, my sword's power." Once again, Felicia un-sheathed her sword and secured the sheath to her belt.

Tracing her finger along the sword, Felicia said, "Dies of atrum. dies of lux lucis. Mucro ut pervenio utriusque filiolus quod dea, solvo vestri vox. EGO voco Hecarim."

Felicia than pointed the sword to Natsu. A light shot out of the sword and came towards Natsu...

Dedicated to XxButterPugsxX. The story will resume now.


As the beam of light came towards Natsu, he couldn't even move an inch.

As every second passed, fright washed over Natsu. Something he hasn't felt for a very long time. How strong is Felicia? Can she surpass even Erza?

Finally, as the beam of light made contact with him, Natsu felt like screaming from the pain of the light.

As the light of the beam weaken, everyone found Natsu, on the ground, hurt all over.

As Erza saw Natsu in the state he was in, she couldn't help but turn to Felicia and giving her the evil look. Erza has never thought that Natsu could have been badly hurt from just a beam of light.

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO YOUR ALLIES!" Erza screamed, a dark sickening aura around her.

"You have no right to speak. Natsu himself asked for me to use my full power. Though, that is not all..."

A look of shock filled everyone's face. They then recalled that instead of her real power, she used her sword's instead.

With a hassle, everyone got Natsu to the infirmary and got Wendy to heal him. Not soon after, Natsu was eventually able to breath normally and was now resting.

After everyone checked that Natsu was still alive, they all started how they normally would. That is, until Felicia appeared.

She was still in her Battle Form too. Instead of going off somewhere to change back, she instead decided to not do that. Her Battle Form was much comfortable than her usual attire.

Now going to Team Natsu, they all watched Felicia carefully, making sure she doesn't do anything dangerous. They got even more tense when she went to Natsu's infirmary room, also locking it behind her.

As soon as everyone heard the bang of the door, they all tensed up.

"We shouldn't let her go in theeerrrrreeee!" Cana said drunkenly.

While everyone was discussing about Felicia, she herself then transformed to her Wind Priestess Form.

Her once long blond-white hair had been cut to a medium-long length and the color had been replaced by a beautiful lavender one. Her cloak had vanished, leaving behind a shoulderless navy top decorated by yellow  designs as well as light blue sleeves. A skirt that only covered her back part was a shade of a wonderful blue and a black, loose fitted tight skirt was under. (picture on the side)

With a bored look, she walked towards the sleeping Natsu. As she stared at him, she also heightened her senses, making sure that no one was looking, hearing and also if Natsu was concious.

The Forgotten Mage | Fairy Tail FFWhere stories live. Discover now