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Last Time On The Forgotten Mage:

"Well! Might you sit down for a cup of tea everyone as I do love telling long stories." With a snap of a finger, a table of sweets and tea fell from the ceiling as well as a set of chairs surrounding it. Everybody had taken a seat.

"I do hope you all are feeling chamomile today, I find it rather soothing, right Felicia?" The mage nodded, flinching as the teapot filled her cup.

"Now! To our story of how our dear Felicia came to be..." Setting his elbows on the table, the Master placed his chin on top of his laced fingers and grinned.

Dedicated to AnimeLover1729. Attached image is Shiro's counterpart, Kuro. The story will resume now.


Felicia stumbled a bit as she had lost vision for only a few seconds. She was confused, where were Natsu and Happy?

"You think you can beat me like that petty girl?" Felicia's eyes widened and she stood still, tense as she heard the sounds of cracking bones.

"You think that a demon such as I can fall down so easily to a human?" A hand clamped on her shoulder and Felicia easily flinched, not even masking her fear building up.

"Well, you were wrong."

A battle was once again resumed.


Being slammed down once again, Felicia could move no more as her body had finally given in to exhaustion. A snarl erupted from her throat as she pushed her body to stand up again.

She had underestimated the enemy and now, her soul laid on these muddy floors to be stepped upon—a disgraceful death it was.

Her hands twitched into action and her arms slowly slid themselves underneath her. With the remaining strength she had, Felicia pushed herself up to only be slammed down once again. This time, by a boot.

An "oof" sound followed her fall and the pain on her back elicited a painful scream.

"Such a playful toy you are indeed..." an off-pitched voice stated. Almost instantly, the boot upon her back applied even more pressure. A sound that was anticipated from the mage had not escaped her lips. The pressure of the boot left her.

  "And now, it is the time for you to die!" A blade plunged through her at that moment, making the mage flinch and cry out in pain. She snarled as she realized what happened.

Her voice, which she found so hard to find, was now in her grasp as she said, "I'm not done yet..." More blood.

"Ah..." the demon leaned down. "But I believe you are hun." A cackle resonated through the monster's body as they rose to their full height.

"Say goodbye to life—I'll make sure to tell Satan that you've been a very bad girl." With that said, the demon stabbed her again, Felicia jumping slightly and more blood was coughed up.

Her vision began to blur and she tried to raise her hand. The figure of the demon was becoming more distorted than ever before she finally blacked out.

The Forgotten Mage | Fairy Tail FFWhere stories live. Discover now