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Last Time On The Forgotten Mage:

Upon leaving the battle ground, Erza could only remember the true last words of the reaper.

"Protect Felicia please... I... love her..."

His eyes became soulless.

Dedicated to my friend Lucy. I'm sorry for ripping your zipper. The story will resume now.


The walls were disappearing. Sting and Rogue stood shell shock as their surroundings faded away to reveal toffee colored walls with filigree decorating them and large white pillars surrounded the floor—creating what looked to be a ballroom.

The marble floors had an ornate design that swept across and the stained glass ceiling that rose above the room created dancing lights as the sun pierced through the glass.

Standing a little off the center was where Shiro and Felicia sat, the table with the lacrima slowly disappearing.

Her jaw slackened and the sword that was once gripped firmly in her hand slipped away, sharply meeting the ground and creating a high pitched sound that gained attention.

"Erza!" Natsu yelled, making his way towards her with a limp Lucy on his back. The scarlet-haired's attention turned away to the fire dragon slayer, her body moving automatically towards him as she found the limp celestial mage on his back.

"What happened to Lucy?" she asked, staring at the girl's face with worry.

"While we were in the cell..." Natsu trailed off, finding that he couldn't say anymore. "Uhnn, you don't have to tell me everything." She could see the pain behind the dragon slayer's dark eyes. That pain quickly changed to anger as they darted towards a figure.

"That guy..." he trailed off. Erza looked as well, spotting the supposed leader, Shiro. Or rather, Kuro.

"He's the leader..." At this, Natsu's eyes burned with unadulterated ire—those usually cheerful black eyes turning to a cold obsidian color.

"Oh hoho? There are more visitors than usual..." Kuro trailed off, his fingers under his chin as if in thought. "The only way to get rid of them is to...—"he grinned at his idea "—Kill 'em." Erza made a move forward but stopped as a high pitched scream filled the hair, cracking and shattering some of the glass above them.

Felicia's eyes had loss their irises and pupil, leaving only the whites of the eyes and the thin red veins left. Her red armor was slowly discinerating, being replaced as it faded away. With an arch of her back, pure sable wings exploded into the air and dark feathers fluttered to the ground.

Her outfit now resembled a lolita dress, dark gray with white lace trim. Her hair was now splattered with red and her eyes—oh her eyes. A piercing bright red had looked around the area, contacting with a few and sending shivers down a lot. A wicked smile was carved into her features.

Kuro smirked widly at this, satisfied with once again seeing this form again—Felicia's true form; the form she was granted with by defying the Fates.

"Felic-" The girl whipped her head at the name, staring intensely at the scarlet-haired like an animal eyeing its prey. Her eyes were cat-like.

"Look at our dear Felicia! She's finally back to her true self, aren't you hun..." Kuro patted the head of the girl, eliciting a snarl. "Still a bit wild but in due time, she will be tamed!" Kuro retracted his hand slowly, an irk mark appearing beside his head.

"H-How?!..." The light dragon slayer had wide eyes and a slackened jaw, his shoulders seeming to slump as he stared dazedly at the center. His thoughts were in haywire as his mind attempted to come up with a reasonable answer to the quiet mage's... transformation.

"Oh? I thought you would've been told already... Might as well say it aloud! Ahem!" Kuro cleared his throat for a bit, doing odd vocal tests before he had finally spilled the beans.

"Your dearest Felicia here!—Felicia, say hi—" the girl glared around the room "—has broken the laws of life! Has gone against the wishes of the Fates! Has defied the orders of those who have created the world! Her sin?" Silence blanketed over the room as everyone anticipated for the man's next words.

Eyes covered by his dark bangs, a contorted smirk had graced his countenance. "Being alive when she has died."


I didn't know if I should end it here or write some more (I usually go for at least 1200 words but this is around 700) but it was good enough for me.

I want to start updating more often so that I can absolutely finish this book before 2016 ends!!

Wish me luck? It'd be useless but appreciated ^^ WHAT I NEED IS DETERMINATION

Pce ✌🏻️ ps. does anyone know how to get over feeling guilty? :/

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