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Last Time On The Forgotten Mage:

"Mm. Good job  everybody," Felicia smiled brightly. The duo that joined her smiled as  well. Although, they slowly faded away as the so-called "defeated" enemy  rose once again.

"F-" She was taken  away, teleported as well as the demon's remnants. Natsu stood stunned  while Happy flied with a gasping mouth. Slowly, without their knowing,  memories pertaining the requip mage disappeared. New memories, fake  memories, created in place of the loss.

"Who are we waiting for?"

Dedicated to animelover8980. The story will resume now.


"The end~" Shiro sang, twirling around. The mages and exceed kept in the prison were frozen in shock. Hearing nothing but silence, Shiro stopped and looked at them, pouting with his hands on his hips as he leaned forward.

"Puh~ tough crowd?" he licked his lips before staring at them. Silence encompassed them all.

"Really tough crowd, huh..?" Shiro mumbled, trailing off.

"I-Is that the truth?" Wendy stuttered, her mouth quivering after. Shiro nodded thoughtfully

"Yup! At least, that's what she told us once we saved her..." Shiro shrugged. "We're just gonna count on those words." The mages and exceed were shell-shocked, unsure of how to act after such a story. A movement in the shadows startled the mages in the cell as they frantically looked around. Shiro rolled his eyes.

"Fel~ If you were here, you should've told me!" The captured mages turned to Shiro to find another person next to him, a blade to his throat. Following the blade, they find the wielder in red, revealing clothes.

The girl had long, chestnut hair tied together by a thin red ribbon. Heterochromia eyes of gold and brown gleamed brightly against the light in loathing. Her dress was shoulder-less, being tied behind the neck and showing a dangerous amount of cleavage. A burgundy skirt flowed down from the top piece, stopping around the mid-thigh.

Stockings of the same color rose up above her knees, pieces of armor covering her knees while mahogany heels hid her feet. The girl's arms were covered by red fabric connected to the side of the top, fading at the ends to an indigo color. Another katana was belted behind her waist, slanting to the right.

"Or should I say, Akashini?" Shiro smirked while heterochromia eyes rolled at him. The katana got even closer to the man's neck.

"What do you want," the girl seethed, now gripping the handle with two hands. Shiro merely laughed to himself.

"What I want? I think you know the answer to that already," a cashmere grin made its way to his face as he stared at her. The imprisoned mages looked back and forth between the two, trying to decipher the events.

"Do you know who that is?" Yukino whispered as they huddled closer. She glanced at the girl and worriedly looked at her clothes. She must be cold, she thought.



"I think I might know..." Carla said reluctantly, raising her paw while sighing inwardly. The others looked at her inquiringly.

"I believe that that's Felicia..." Sherria gasped and quickly averted her gaze to the heterochromia woman, amazement and confusion battling for control. The blade then glinted something she had not noticed before. Squinting her eyes, they widened at the sight—

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