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Last Time on The Forgotten Mage:

The ceiling suddenly gave up, pieces falling and glass shattering and spraying the ground with dangerous shards.

"Ah, she's here."

Dedicated to silent readers who have stuck by to the very end. The final part will resume now.


The mages stood dumbstruck as they watched the body of their savior fall. Cold, soulless eyes were imprinted into their minds. There would be no funeral for her body was disappearing, particles becoming too small for the naked eye to see.


She won.


Artemerius. Goddess of war and revenge, one of the worst gods to anger. Torture for centuries until the body wilts away from pain, the disfiguring of one's organs and bodies that slowly led to ones death—Artemerius loved those slow deaths.

Bestowed with a loose, lavender cloth held by golden bindings, the lady herself floated, glancing down at the mages.

"The sword, where is it?" Her voice sent shivers, steely and cold. Where her eyes should be were a glowing white color but even so, it felt like she knew everything about you by just a glance.

"My goddess! It's nice to see you here! I must humbly apologize for not cleaning up before your arrival—I was told late on this matter." Kuro swiftly bent down into an exaggerated bow, glancing at Felicia as he mentioned the last part.

"You, the betrayed general—" Kuro twitched at this, "—Break Immoralia. Where is it?" Kuro opened his eyes in content.

"And if I tell you, will you break me from this cursed form as I slowly die away?" The goddess barely flinched, immediately forming an answer.

"No but if you wish for another hundred years of torture, I would gladly give you them." Kuro raised his hands in defeat. "Alright alright! She—" he pointed at the white-haired figure, "has broken it." An eyebrow was arched at this.

"Deus's child?" She turned to face the mage, eyeing her god's form in interest. "A powerful one he gave his form to. Such a waste that she must die. I would've been a better contractor." She cluck her tongue and raised her hand out, the fabric wrapping around her extending and quickly descending down onto the mage, bringing the girl up by the neck and tightly winding it around the pale skin. With squinted eyes, Artemerius brought the mage closer for inspection.

"A beautiful and strong child you are..." Artemerius barely glided her hand on the mage's cheek. "But an idiot one you are." Suddenly, the goddess took a hold of the girl's neck, bringing a death grip to the flesh and raised the girl high. A flash of dark happiness was seen as her lips had contorted into a smile. Finding only glaring eyes, Artemerius hmphed, throwing the girl aside and briskly turning around.

"Hah, I'll just have Deus pay himself. You're lucky, girl. Well, I wouldn't quite say that." Artemerius looked back and watched as the mage slowly stood. "DeSor and Deus. Let those two be both your curses and blessings." Turning back around, one step was all it took for her to disappear, pouring rain following after.

There was a period of silence, the rain taking its chance to shower everyone with its coldness. Discontent contorted everyone's face as they blankly stared where the goddess was, still shaken and confused.

"Ara ara, she was always a cold one." Kuro clicked his tongue as he ran his hand through his hair, shaking his head. Well, until he remembered that they were incinerating. Another mournful sigh.

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