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Ashton's POV

4:27 pm June 9th, 2014.

"Niall I feel like that's weird. I don't even know him."

"Oh go way outta that buddy. When I told him you were gonna be in Germany he was so excited to meet ya!"

So apparently Niall is really close friends with Andrew Garfield. And him and his girlfriend Emma Stone, own property up in Germany.

Niall is your typical irish, happy-go-lucky boy. So out of all the 1D and 5SOS boys, he's the one that's been talking to me a little. And I guess he was having dinner with Andrew and I got brought up, and they want to invite me and Jace to have dinner with them up on their property.

Honestly, I would love to. They seem like cool people.

But I'm selfish. And I only have a few days with Jace. Who knows if I'll ever have time with her again. So I want to spend as much time with her as possible.

"I guess so Niall. Just send me his number and I'll give him a call."

"That's my boy. Now where's that girl of yours?"

"She's not mine, but right now she's in the bathroom. We're about an hour away from the town we're stopping in next." I hear laughter in the background. "Is that the boys? Tell them I say hi!"

"Oi, lads? Ashton says hi!" I hear a mumble in the background and I laugh, assuming it's the 1D boys. I then see Jace walking back from the bathroom.

Good lord, if she isn't the most beautiful thing I've laid my eyes on I don't know what is.

"Hello? Earth to ash?"

"Oh, sorry. I gotta go Niall. Have fun writing with the boys. Please keep some of your clothes on!" I joke with him.

"Oh whatever. Have fun tonight." As I hang up the phone, Jace takes the seat next to me.

"Who was that?" She asks me.

"Oh, just Niall."

"Oh yeah 'just Niall,'" she says using finger quotes. "How many people can say they were just having a casual conversation on the phone with Niall Horan from One Direction?"

"Ooh, does someone have a crush?" I giggle and attempt to tickle her.

"Oh my god. You giggling. That was the cutest thing I've ever heard in my life. But I'll have you know, I'm actually a Harry girl." I know she's just joking. But it doesn't mean I don't feel jealous. Harry is like perfect. Of course she would like him. Why would anyone be interested in me over him? I've got a weird body, I laugh too much, my hair is a mess, my teeth are messed up, and the list goes on and on. Harry is better than me in every aspect of life.

I think she realizes that comment made me jealous, because she looks at me with such sincerity it makes me think there are actually people in the world who care.

"Honestly, I wasn't gonna say anything. But I have this thing for a guy in this pop punk rock band. He likes to wear bandanas. And he's really caring. He always puts my interests before his. Which I don't understand why, because I've only known him for a couple days. He's got the cutest dimples ever. Like better than Harry Styles dimples. He's got a great taste in music, and could listen to it just as much as I could. Which is saying a lot. And he's a gentleman. Not just to me, but to everyone he sees on the streets. He doesn't let his fame go to his head. And he's like the sweetest person you will ever meet. He's just an overall amazing person."

I don't think she realizes how much she said, because all of the sudden her cheeks go red, and she looks down.

I take her chin in my hand and lift it up.

"Hey, thank you. That means a lot." I lean in and give her a light kiss on the lips. A little more than just a peck. Letting her know how much she means to me.

God. This girl has me tied around her finger and I've only known her two days.

"Oh, by the way. When I was talking to Niall. Who says hi, by the way."

"Hi Niall," she interrupts and laughs.

"Anyway, as I was saying," as I'm smiling like an idiot, "Niall knows Andrew Garfield. And him and his girlfriend Emma Sto-"

"Oh my god! Are we going to meet them? Holy crap. That'd be the coolest freaking thing ever! God I love Niall already. Can I have his number? Is that allowed? I'm not sure how this famous thing works. I've never met famous people before."

"Whoa, slow down babe." She blushes as I call her that. "Not only are we meeting them, but they have some property we're going to hang at tonight."

To say she was excited was an understatement. The next hour she spent talking telling me how she was excited for meeting them.

Most guys would get tired of listening to girls talk. Thinking they're annoying.

But with Jace. I could watch her talk for days. I need to get as much of it in as possible now just to remember it. Because I know I'm going to end up leaving her someday.

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