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Jaces POV

1:02 pm June 9th, 2014.

"You've seriously never been to the first ever starbucks?" Ashton looks at me like I'm a crazy person. "I've only ever been to Seattle a couple times and even I've been there!"

"I don't know, I've just been to so many other starbucks I never really saw the importance of going to the first one."

"You're crazy. When we get back, I'm taking you."

We've been sitting here talking about anything and everything for the last few hours. It seems like we've been best friends for years.

"Now arriving in Amsterdam. You have 2 hours to enjoy the city, the train will be departing at 2:15 pm local time."

Throughout this whole train ride, you just get to stop and see a little bit of everything. 4 days and 3 nights traveling around Europe.

"Hey Ashton?"

"Yeah?" He looks at me with those beautiful eyes, those adorable dimples, and that gorgeous hair. I reach up and run my hand through his hair, and his smile deepens.

"What were you planning- umm- who were you going to- do you want to- uh..." I probably sound like an absolute fool trying to talk to him. I just don't want to come across as needy and annoying to him. As much as I hate to admit it, I don't really want to be alone this trip, it doesn't sound as appealing as it did earlier, and being with him is so much fun.

"Jace, what are you trying to say?" He giggles.

"Were you just gonna walk around this city by yourself or..."

"You want to go grab some lunch with me?"

"You read my mind," I smile. "Let's Google someplace to eat."

I pull out my phone and open the Internet, immediately regretting not exiting out of the page I was last in.

"I- uh..." Oh god. My cheeks are literally on fire at this point.

"Were you googling me?" He asks mockingly.

"I wanted to know who you were!"

I thought we were joking, but then his mood takes a turn for the worse.

"Don't read stuff like this online Jace. It's just for people's entertainment and most of it isn't true."

Suddenly feeling awkward, "I'm sorry, I was just-"

"Save it Jace. It's fine. Just don't do it again."

We end up settling on this place called Restaurant De Belhamel. Even though things got a little awkward, the tension died down a little, and he held my hand as we walked towards lunch.


We both ended up eating a huge meal and lots of dessert.

"I'm so full, I just want to go back to the train and sleep," I say as I stretch out.

"Oh god, I know. But we're in Amsterdam. We can't do that! We only have like 45 minutes left. How about we go walk along the river for a little?"

"Sounds good to me. Waiter?"

He pulls out his credit card at the same time I pull out mine.

"Whoa, what are you doing there love. Let me be a gentleman."

"No way, I've been saving up for this trip for as long as I can remember. I can pay for myself."

"Well that just means you'll have more money to do another trip like this with me," he says as he winks at me and gives his card to the waiter before I can even say anything. But I can't ignore the feeling of thousands of butterflies inside of me when he winks at me.

It's a beautiful day outside. Not too warm, but just warm enough. Ashton guides me to the river as he links his hand in mine.

We walked in silence for a little before Ashton spoke up.

"I'm so sorry about earlier. I don't know what got into me. I think I'm so used to hanging with the boys and we're so rough with each other, I forgot how to be polite to a girl. It's a bit embarrassing if I'm honest. It was dumb of me. What I said to you. I'm just scared you'll read something stupid and look at me different. It's just so hard. Because I want you to like Ashton, me. Not Ashton Irwin, the boy in 5 seconds of summer. And it's hard to distinguish between the two, you know?" By this point we had stopped walking. He was standing there, holding my arms, rubbing circles with his thumbs, and looking directly into my eyes. "I'm sorry, I'm rambling, aren't i?"

"God ashton. You don't need to apologize for that really. Like yeah, you came off a little harsh, but I can only imagine what you go through. So don't apologize. Honestly."

He has the biggest smile on his face, and he wraps me in his arms and giggles. "Thank you so much," he says as he kisses my cheek.
"Of course. Now I know you want me to get to know you, but the Ashton from 5 seconds of Summer is you. So tell me what it's like being famous?"

We spend the next half hour, hand in hand, as he tells me about his crazy life with his 8 best friends.

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