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Jaces POV

1:54 pm May 2nd, 2014.

"I'm just really done with this whole college thing. It's not gonna get me a job, you guys are going to be in debt, and I'm not doing what I want to be doing. What's the point of life if I'm not enjoying it?" I really hope I'm getting through to my mom. She told me I had to attend college for a year, and then I could do whatever the heck I wanted. And what I want is to not be in college.

It sucks. People are dumb. My parents are wasting money. I'm not doing what I want.

What do I want to do?


That's it. All I've ever wanted to do is travel. See the world. Experience things. And alone too. Not because I'm some loser loner. Definitely not. God, I love people. But I want to learn how to enjoy life by myself. So when people are being dumb, and I don't like any of them, I can always know how to be happy by myself.

So, if my mom keeps her word, I'm going on a adventure. I've been saving up literally since i was 12. I'm going to Europe. Starting with a 3 day train ride somewhere in Europe.


"Ugh mom, why can't you just und--wait what?" I stand in my dorm room completely in shock. "Did you just say fine?"

"Yes. Now hurry your ass home so we can discuss this with your father."

"Oh my god mom, I love you, I love you, I love you! I'd be kissing you if we weren't over the phone! Ahhh! I'll see you soon, muah!"

I grab the last few things from my dorm room and head out to my jeep. I didn't have a lot of friends here. Okay, that's a lie. I had way too many. But they were all fake. They didn't really care about me. I was just really fun to be around. Or, that's what everyone tells me. So, no one was really going to notice that I left school a week early. All my real friends I already said goodbye to.

I am, correction was, attending the University of Washington. My parents live in Tacoma.

With my little sister, Jamie. She's 11. I will do anything to protect that little girl from the bad things in the world. She is my life.

I have two older brothers. Ones a total screw up. Thomas. My parents had him when they were like 15. He's gotten himself into some really bad shit. Been in jail for the last 2 years, and has like 3 or 4 more to go. Then there's Tim. He's like the perfect child. Or so my parents think. He's kind of obsessed with being perfect. He graduated high school and college with like a 3.99 GPA. And he made sure everyone knew. Then he got this job working in his office. He's now some dumb manager. Got married to this chick, and now they have two kids, pregnant with their third. He's freaking annoying, but I love them. I love my whole messed up family.

My parents though. They're another story. Both of their moms, my grandmas, we're best friends. Had kids like literally the same exact time. My mom and dad grew up together with the thought being forced onto them that they will fall in love and get married. Obviously being teens, they wanted to go against what their parents said, but they didn't do it the smartest way. My mom got pregnant at 15. Had little tommy two days after she turned 16.

They never even considered adoption or abortion. They were going to make the baby happy no matter what. So, the day my mom turned 18 they got married. 5 years later they had Timothy. 7 years later me. And 8 years later Jamie.

Tom is 33, Tim 26, me 19, Jamie 11. Let's just say Jamie was a major accident/vasectomy gone wrong on their anniversary. Oops.

Even though my parents are happy, I don't think they are really happy. They are satisfied with how their lives turned out. Nothing more.

I think the only reason they actually stayed together was for us kids. Ya, they love each other. But I don't think they really have ever been in love with each other.

Do I blame them for me not believing in love? No. I do believe in love. I love my family, and my friends, and my pets, and food-god I love food.

But being in love. That's a different subject. I don't understand how you can pick one person, and have your entire being so attached to them, that you can't imagine anything else without then.

That's just always how I've felt, and I don't think it will change.

I've had boyfriends. I've had flings. I even had a boy tell me he was in love with me. But I've never found someone who makes me want to say it back. And I don't believe I ever will.


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