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Jaces POV

9:15 am June 7th, 2014.

I stand in line to board my plane to head off to London. I still was in shock that my parents were allowing me to do this, and that I was actually doing it. My dream since I was a little girl, was coming true.

My flight is scheduled to land at about 9 pm Seattle time. Which is I think 5 am London time. I'm spending the day in London, then I take a flight at midnight where I'll get into Paris sometime that morning, and my train starts boarding at 6 am. Then from there, I travel around Europe. It's only 3 days. For now. I don't really have anything planned, and I have a lot of money saved up.

"Now boarding rows 18-24. Again, now boarding rows 18-24 on flight 49 to London."

I look down to my ticket, 19F. I head towards the plane and give the lady my ticket. I get to my seat, and put my backpack in the overhead compartment, and take my seat next to the window.

I pull out my phone and let a few people know I'm on the plane and I'll text them when I land.

Austin replies almost instantly. Yes, the same Austin that is my neighbor.

Have fun J! I'll miss you here. Remember to take lots of pics :)

No, he's not my boyfriend, but yes, i guess you could say we have a "thing." My parents basically forced me to go on dates with him. We've been on like 4. He's kissed me. I mean, he's super attractive, and very popular, and got a great personality. But that's just it, there's not much else about him. He's your basic teenage dude. But I expect after I get home from this trip, he'll have another girl he's moved onto and I won't have to explain to him why I don't want to be with him. Those conversations are the worst.

"What's the reason you're headed to London, honey?" A older man asks me. Next to him looks like his wife. And might I say, they are probably the cutest couple I've seen. Like ever. Kinda like Ellie and Carl on Up.

Sometimes I feel like I will never be able to find someone to love me like that, and that's why I don't believe in love. But I shove that thought to the side, because I don't want to think like that.

"I'm just going on an adventure, I guess you could say." I smile at them. "My name is Jace. What's yours?"

"I'm Carl, and this is my lovely wife Ellie." You have to be shitting me. I think I can feel my jaw hit my lap because of how hard it dropped. Carl starts cracking up, and his wife jokingly smacks him.

"I'm Sorry darling. He just loves doing that to people. Your reaction is usually what he gets! I'm Mary, and this is Jack. It's lovely to meet you Jace."

"You had me believing you there for a second! And I was kind of freaking, because that's like my favorite Disney movie ever. But I'll admit, that was a good one. It's nice to meet you guys also. Where are you from?"

"Italy, but it's our 50th wedding anniversary, so we're taking a big adventure around the world. London is our last stop, then we head back home." Mary tells me.

"Wow, happy anniversary. That's a really long time!"

"But it feels like just a few years, spending it with this beauty." Jack takes his wife's hand and kisses it. They are adorable. "Any lucky men in your life?"

"Umm you could say that I guess. But I'm not really one for relationships. I'd rather stay single." I'm not sure why I'm opening up to these people, but if I'm going to spend half a day sat next to them, they might as well know a little big about me.

"Now is that by choice, or because you're afraid of getting hurt?"

"By choice. Definitely." I think.

"Now I'm not going to call you out on that because you're young and deserve to make your own decisions. Putting yourself into a vulnerable situation like that can be tough, but sharing your happiness with someone else, is totally worth it."

I think she can tell I'm not comfortable with this conversation, so she changes the topic. We end up talking for awhile, and they let me know if I need a place to stay while in Italy, I can stop by their place. Which I think I just might take them up on.

I end up drifting off to sleep dreaming about my new adventure and the possibility of falling in love.

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