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Jaces POV

2:37 pm May 2nd, 2014.

"I'm home!" I yell as I walk into my house.

"Jacey!" My 4 year old nephew runs toward me.

"Oh my gosh look at you Benjamin, all grown up!" I say as I pick him up, "good lord boy, you weigh a ton. How old are you now?"

"4," he says as he holds up 3 fingers. I just laugh at him and head to the kitchen, where the rest of my family must be.

"Jace!" Everyone attacks me like they haven't seen me in ages.

"Guys, guys, chill, I saw you literally 2 weeks ago."

"I know, but now you're a big girl who's moving to Europe!" My dad says as he squeezes the life out of me. Well, I guess he's okay with me going to Europe.


"Sorry hon, just so proud of you." He pretends to wipe a tear from his eye.

"Oh god dad, don't get all sappy on me. Now where's my favorite niece at?" Tim's little girl, who is 2, has to be the sassiest little two year old ever. Everyone tells me she's exactly like me when I was that age. I love her to death.

"Her and Jamie are playing upstairs," my sister-in-law, Maci, says.

I head up to go see them, peaking into my room on the way. Looks the same as when I left it. Except a box on my bed. Whatever, I'll look at it later.

"Audra, Jamie! My two favorite girls!"


"Awwy J!" Audra's attempt at auntie j, always makes me laugh.

"Look at you two, I definitely miss seeing you guys all the time. You know what? I think we need to play house!"

"Eeeeeek!" Jamie yells, "yay! I've missed you J. But I've been having Austin play house with me. And he's really fun."

"Umm, who's Austin, honey?" Who is this random boy playing house with my sister and niece?

"He's our new neighbor. I hear his mom and mom talking about how they want you two to be boyfriend and girlfriend. I think that's kinda icky."

"Awwy J has bofren?" Oh god she's the cutest. Makes me kinds rethink not wanting to have kids.

"No, Auntie J doesn't have a boyfriend. Cuz that's gross. But I'll be back. I'm gonna go talk to mom and dad. K?"

If Jamie is right, which she probably is, she's a sneaky one. That means there's a new neighbor, and he's my age. And out parents are trying to set us up.

They always try to do this. They think I'll be lonely for the rest of my life. Just because I'm alone, doesn't mean I'm lonely. I don't need a guy to make me happy. They don't understand that.

"Mom, dad," I begin as I walk downstairs, "Jamie said something about this new neighbor Austin that you are trying to set me up with?"

"Well hi, I'm Austin." Umm awkward. Standing in my door is this very attractive boy. But, he kind of looks like a douche bag. But aren't all guys douche bags?

"Hi, Jace. Nice to meet you. So you moved next door?"

"Yup. About a month ago. I'll be attending UW next quarter. Heard you go there?"

"Good for you. And went there. Not anymore. Mom, dad, can I talk to you guys? Austin, it was fantastic meeting you, but we're a little busy right now. Ta-Ta."

He looked a little confused when I started shutting the door when he was still halfway inside.

"Umm explain?" I ask my parents.

"He's nice, honey. Maybe it'd be good for you to have a boy to hang with. And you never know, he could be the one."

"Oh good lord mom, I don't want there to be a one. I'll be friends with him, but nothing more."

My parents give each other that 'she's right but I don't want to tell her she's right so well just pretend we ended the conversation' look.

"Now can we talk about Europe?"

"Yes," my dad starts. "I want you to know we're not totally on board with this, but we want to do what makes you happy. And you went through a year of college for us, now we're going to stick to our word. We love you, and we think traveling at a young age is an amazing thing. Especially since we didn't get to do it."

"But..." They're not just going to let me go move to Europe for a few months. There has to be something else.

"What do you mean but, honey? We want you to go. And we're giving you the money we saved up for your college. Don't blow it. We won't be sending you anymore."

It's just now sinking in. "Oh my god, oh my god! Thank you guys so much!" I run up and jump on top of them. I have the greatest parents ever. At the beginning of September, I will be on a plane headed to live my dream of traveling around Europe.

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