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Jaces POV

5:37 am, June 8th, 2014.


I'm sitting by the baggage claim in the airport trying to decide where to go for breakfast. I'm absolutely starving. There's a few places I want to go, but most don't open this early.

I decide on this place called The Wolseley. It looks good. Pretty expensive.

Thank god for google.

I get to the restaurant and there's only a few groups here. One of about 9 boys in the back. They look kinda sketchy because there all wearing hoods and sunglasses. If I owned this place, I would not let freaks like that into this fancy place. Then 3 couples spread out throughout.

"Hi can I help you?"

"Yes table for one please."

"Right this way ma'am."

God. I could listen to Englishman all day. Accents are so heavenly.

I get sat in the back, a couple tables away from the sketchy boys. I take out the menu and look for something to eat.

£70??? Good lord. I won't be eating like this every day. Might as well live it up.

Yesss. This place has wifi. I turn it on and open the messages I have.

Mom: I miss you already j. Please be careful. Call me when you get a chance. Xoxo.

Dad: my baby girl is off traveling the world. Don't do anything I wouldn't. Love ya. Talk to you soon.

I make a mental note to FaceTime them while im at the airport later tonight.

Austin: Jamie came over crying earlier. She misses you so much. And it's only been a day haha. I miss you too babe.

Oh god, now I'm gonna start crying. I miss my little Jamie so much. I decide to respond to Austin.

Aww :( you're gonna make me cry. Give her a hug for me. And I guess I miss you too haha.

I get a response literally seconds later. I don't think there's a time where he's ever not on his phone.

Oh whatever. How's London? It's early there ya?

Yes, about 6amish. I'm eating breakfast at this super expensive place with super sketchy people next to me. If I die, you get my car.

Gross, your car is a piece of crap j. Haha.

Oh whatever. You love it. It's better than yours.

Touché. Hey I want you to let me know where you are at all times ok?

Umm ok father. What the heck? I'm a big girl.

He can't do that. This trip was supposed to get me away from people. Not be in contact with them 24/7.

You will do it Jace. I need to know where you are to make sure you're safe. It's just because I care.

Umm how about not. I'll call you later tonight. Bye.

I throw my phone into my purse, not wanting to deal with him. Why is he being like this? He's not even my boyfriend!

I'm not even going to worry about it. I'm going to have a good time here and not worry about stupid guys back at home.

I end up ordering a ton of food that is going to probably cost like $200. But oh well.

Being alone, I think a lot. Thinking about what Mary said to me, if consider that she's right. What if I'm just afraid of falling in love? I've always been strong and independent, but what if that's because I'm afraid of being out in a vulnerable situation because there's a possibility I'll get hurt? The more I think about it, the more I believe it's true. But I'm not willing to admit that out loud.

My food comes pretty fast, and it's delicious. I head out the door, and try to think of something else I would like to do here in London. As I'm walking out, a middle aged gentleman grabs my arm, quite roughly I might add, and twists me to face him.

I think about screaming, but he hasn't done anything yet, technically.

"Now, what are you doing here all alone, young lady?" He literally sounds like a pack of cigarettes. What is this guy going to do to me?

"Please get off of me."

"Ohh American accent I hear. Love, I bet I could make you see Stars and Stripes." Oh god dude. Really? I try wriggling my arm out of his grasp, but it's no use.

"What are you doing to her? Babe, are you ok?" Babe? What? It's one of the boys from the table. He doesn't look so sketchy anymore. He's actually kinda hot. I think he's trying to help me also.

"No, this man won't get off of me."

I hope this man believes us, but it seems like it's no use. He keeps his grasp tight on my arms. I think I actually feel his arms tightening. "Yeah right, you two didn't walk out together. She's mine now bud, so move along."

"Oh really? You don't think she's mine?" The next thing I know, he's taking one of his hands and putting them behind my head, and puts one hand behind my back. He looks into my eyes, and it's like im being pulled toward him. Like fate wanted us to be in this situation. He looks down at my lips. And slowly moves in. I can feel the man let go of me, but neither of us care. Our lips lightly touch, and I flutter my eyes shut as I feel him lean forward to kiss me. It's the best first kiss I've ever had. He's so gentle, but passionate. He pulls my body closer to his, and I forget we're on the streets of London. I never want this to end.

"Hey boys we gotta go where's ash--Ashton what the heck? The paps will be here any second!" Before I know it he's looking into my eyes one last time and telling me "I'm sorry" and running into a car, and driving off.


The boys he was with were one direction.


Well, this trip has definitely already been an adventure.

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