^ We finally meet up ^

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Hey yall this is Q writing this fanfic and this fanfic is going to be Karl x sapnap
Hope you like it!
                                   Karl's POV:
Me and sapnap has been dating for a year already so we thought for our one year anniversary we should meet up, me and sapnap live in different places. Today is our anniversary and in about 2 hours he lands to the airport, I offered to pick him off the airport but he said he wanted to surprise me. So now I'm just waiting for sapnap to arrive, I have no idea what we are gonna do first but what I do know is that I'm going to hug him very tight. I always wanted to meet him but we were both very busy with streaming and all that stuff, but the good thing is that we both have time to meet up now. It has been an hour already, I was so desperate to hug sapnap but only one hour to go and I will be able to do that.

2 hours has pass and sapnap has not texted or called, I have been sitting on the couch waiting, looking at my phone each minute to make sure I didn't miss a text of his or anything. 13 minutes passed and I started to get a call, it was sapnap" Hey Karl I landed off the plane like 30 minutes ago but it took forever for my luggage to come out but the good thing is I'm already in a Uber to your house" Sapnap said, " oh my god I cant wait sapnap! I really want to see you already" I said, " I know me to but I will be there in like 38 minutes" Sapnap told me " cant wait to see you babe" I told him, " I cant wait either, well I'll see you soon, bye" Sapnap said hanging up.

38 minutes have passed, I was just looking at Instagram trying to pass time when I heard a knock on my door. I got off my couch and ran to the door as fast as I could, I opened it and saw sapnap standing there, " Sapnap your here!" I said excitedly hugging sapnap really tight, " hey Karl" sapnap said to me while kissing my head. I stop hugging him and gave him a kiss on the lips, " oh my gosh sapnap I have been wanting to hug you and kiss you for a long time" I said to him, " me too Karl, I really wanted to meet you and we did finally meet up" he said, " well come in and make your self at home babe" I told him as we both entered my house, " nice living room Karl" He said looking at the whole living room, " You want to sit down on the couch and watch something or maybe you wanna sleep for a bit since I know that you didn't sleep well because sleeping in an airplane is definitely not comfortable" I said to Sapnap, " yeah your right I didn't sleep well in the airplane so can I sleep for a little?" He asked me, " yeah yeah you can sleep in my bed" I told him, " oh no I can sleep in the couch or I can sleep in the air bed since that's what I was gonna sleep in while I'm here" he said, " no Sapnap I know your to tired to inflate the bed right now, it's no problem honestly you can sleep in my bed" I said, " Okay, thank you so much Karl for letting stay in your house instead of a dirty ass hotel" he said laughing, " yeah no problem I really like it that you are staying here" I said.

I took Sapnap to my bedroom so he can sleep for a little, " okay so this is my bedroom, so ima leave so you can sleep well" I said closing the door, " wait Karl" I heard sapnap say through the door, " yeah Sapnap?" I asked opening the door again to see why he called me, " uh you want to lay down with me?" He asked already laying down in my bed, " oh no I don't want to disturb your sleeping" I said, " you won't disturb my sleeping Karl, come on lay down with me for a little bit"
He said, " okay fine" I said. I started to lay down with sapnap , he started to cuddle with me while we were both laying down. I started to get kind of hard for Sapnap, " Karl are you getting hard right now? He said me, " uh yeah a little bit" I said chuckling, " mmm you are huh?" He said while slowly palming my boner " I am Sapnap~" I said, " well let me help with that Karl" Sapnap said.

He started to take off my pants along with my boxers, he started to wrap his hand around my member and started to go up and down motion with his hands, " fuck Sapnap go faster~" I moaned. He started to go faster, " I'm so close keep going~" I said as I was gripping the bed sheets for the amount of pleasure I'm getting, " Sapnap I'm going to cum right now!" I said, after I said that I came in Sapnaps hands, " let me wash my hands real quick" Sapnap said getting off the bed and heading to the bathroom in my bedroom. He came back to bed but I started to pull down his pants and boxes, " what are you doing Karl?" Sapnap asked, I did not say anything I just started to suck his member , " Oh shit mmm~" he moaned softly. I was sucking on the tip but then Sapnap put his hand on my head and push my head in so he's whole member could be in my mouth, it was pretty big so I was gagging each time I pumped my mouth into Sapnap's member but I didn't care, " come on Karl faster I'm super close" he said moaning. He started to also move his hips in a front and back motion. A few seconds later Sapnap came in my mouth, I swallowed his cum, he pulled his pants and boxers up and we both laid down in my bed out of breath, " well that was fun" I said, " yeah it was for sure" he said.

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