^best mistake^

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                            George's POV:
My parents have been bugging that they wanted to meet my boyfriend, Wilbur. so, I asked him if he wanted to come over for dinner tonight so they can stop asking me.

Wilbur did agree to come but i also begged him to try his best to impress my parents, so they let us date, " your boyfriend better have agreed to dinner tonight because I have a feeling you're trying to hide something about him" my mum said sitting next to me in the couch.

But the real reason why i never wanted my parents to meet my boyfriend was because my parents are really strict and picky with everyone and everything, but I couldn't escape from this situation, " he did agree to dinner" I replied back.

It was already dinner time. Me, my mum, and my dad were waiting for Wilbur since he was a bit late, " bad first impression, he's already late" my dad complained, " I also agree, you can't be with someone who is irresponsible " my mum added. I hoped Wilbur would arrive any second.

A few seconds later I heard a knock on the door. I rushed out of my seat to the door, I opened the door, and it was Wilbur, "thank god your here, my parents were already talking shit about you" I hugged him, " I'm really sorry I'm late" Wilbur hugged back.

I welcomed Wilbur into the house and introduced him to my parents, " Wilbur these are my parents, parents this is Wilbur" I said, " I don't really like it that your late for dinner, Wilbur" my mum told him taking a sip from her wine, " I know and I'm very sorry" Wilbur said sitting down at the table. my parents didn't even have to say anything but with the face that they made me and Wilbur already knew they were annoyed about it.

" I have heard a lot of good things about you guys, you sound like very good parents " Wilbur tried to break the silence. they both just nodded.

For the rest of the dinner my parents just kept asking Wilbur questions after questions.

2 hours has passed, and they were still asking Wilbur questions, but i was already tired of it so I had to do something about it, " uh mum and dad I think that's enough questions for today, I'm sure Wilbur is very tired since we ran a mile today at school" I looked at Wilbur, " oh yeah I'm pretty tired from that" he scratched his head.

" well thank you for having me for dinner" Wilbur said getting up, " no problem" my dad said eating a piece of his food.

" let me walk Wilbur to the door and I will be right back" I told my parents.

" Thank you for coming, I hope they let us date" I hugged Wilbur saying goodbye, " I hope so to" he told me.

I closed the door after Wilbur left and went back to the table, " so uh can i date him?" I asked sitting back down, " absolutely not" my mum said, " what! why not?" I said confused, " there's a lot of reasons, he is an irresponsible person, he would also be the worst mistake you could possibly ever do, he does not have manners and there's just much more reasons that I can't say because we would be here for a whole day" my mom explained.

" This is so fucking unfair!" I yelled with tears filling my eyes getting up from the table and leaving to my room. My mum tried to open my bedroom door but I locked it so she couldn't get in.

they just don't fucking get it. Wilbur is the only person I feel comfortable and happy around. he is the only person who I trust. he is basically my whole life, and I can't be without him. I can't lose him. I won't let that happen. I knew something like this would happen that's why I didn't want them to meet Wilbur. just because my parents don't approve of him doesn't mean I'm going to stop seeing him. I will sneak out to see him if I really have to.

" George open the door right now!" my mom yelled from behind my bedroom door. I didn't say anything back, I knew my mum would go away really quickly, and she did.

I went to my bed to grab my phone. I wiped my tears and took a deep breath before I called Wilbur, so it didn't sound like I was just crying.

" Hey Wilbur, I was wondering if I can come over to your house so we can talk about something really important" I asked him, he already had his own house since he started to save money way before me. But once I have enough money to buy a house, I'm definitely moving out of my parents house because I really don't  like living with them," of course come over right now then" he said, " okay I be there soon" I hanged up. I grabbed a hoodie and my phone, since I wanted to go without my parents finding out, I had to sneak out, I still left my bedroom locked, I knew my parents won't check on me again until the morning. They always do that every time we argue or something like that.

I went to my window and opened it up and went through it to get out of my house. Once I outside, I closed the window and started to walk to Wilbur's house.

Once I got there, I knocked on his door. He answered the door, and I went inside his house. We both went to his living room and sat on his couch, " uh my parents actually don't want me to me to date you because apparently you are an irresponsible person, and you don't have any-" I was cut off by Wilbur kissing me.

He put his hand inside my pants reaching for my dick. He started to jerk me off with his hand while still kissing me, " oh fuck~" I moaned in the kiss. I started to whimper and moan all over the place, " oh yeah you like that George?" he whispered in my ear, " I love that so much~" I could barely talk from the amount of pleasure I was getting.

I told Wilbur I was getting close and that's when he started to go way faster than he was normally going, and that's when I finally came.  Wilbur got up from the couch to get some napkins for me to clean up.

After I cleaned up we both went to his bed to lay down, " you know my parents said today that if i kept being with you, you were gonna be the worst mistake i ever did but honestly i think your the best mistake i ever did." I told him looking at his eyes.

i'm very sorry i haven't been posting lately but i finally posted! also sorry smut was rushed, i just wanted to finish the story already. also i'm doing a karlnotfound story soon👻

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