^ 2 am ^

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hey everyone, It's Q that's gonna write this fanfic and this fanfic is going to be a Georgebur story!
George's POV:
It was 2 am. I could not sleep, like always. wilbur was sleeping over tonight since both of us are gonna do a theme park stream in the morning. Wilbur and i were just sitting down on the couch, wilbur was using his phone and so was i, I was really bored but we can't go anywhere cuz it's very late, and since we can't go out i don't know what to do at my house to not be bored, " Wilbur are you bored?" I asked him, " actually yeah i am but i don't know what to do" He said putting down his phone, " I don't know what to do either" I told him, " Well it's late but i know a gas station that is open 24 hours and it's only 4 minutes away from your house to the gas station, so i don't if you want to walk over there and get some snacks" wilbur said, " yeah sure lets go since i have no idea what else to do right now" I said getting up the couch so i can put my hoodie on and my shoes, so did wilbur.

Wilbur POV:
George and I went walking to the gas station, once we got there we got some snacks, paid, and went back to george's house. We finally got back from the gas station, we both sit back on the couch with our snacks that we got at the gas station in our hands. We started talking while eating our stuff, George got some chips with a coke and I got a blue slurpee with skittles. We were just talking when george said something, " wait you got a drop of  slurpee on your pants" he said grabbing a napkin to get the slurpee off my pants, i didnt see on what part of my pants i dropped slurpee on.

After george got the napkin he went to where the slurpee drop was at, after all the slurpee dropped right on top of my dick, when george touch my dick it obviously got hard. me and george are dating but we are not public yet so of course i'm going to get hard for him, " wilbur why are you hard i didn't even do something hot or flirty" George said after cleaning up the slurpee drop on my pants, " why were you looking there George, you horny or something?" I asked, " no i'm not i was just trying to help you by wiping the slurpee off your pants,wilbur you are always horny" George said rolling his eyes, " your right i'm always horny, in fact" I said stopping george from eating his snacks by putting his chin up with one finger so he can look at me directly in the eyes, " I am horny right now."

                                  George's POV:
I don't know why wilbur is always horny but now I got horny, " come on wilbur sit in the couch" I said, " mmm alright " he said getting up going to the couch and sitting down. I followed wilbur to the couch, got on top of his leg and started to ride it, " mmm wilbur~" I moaned, " now i'm craving you more george" wilbur whispered in my ear, "oh yeah? well your going have to wait, riding your thigh just feels way to good" I said still riding his thigh, " no fuck this shit, i'm done with you teasing me right now" he said me turning me the other way and putting down his pants and boxers, he did the same to me. He grabbed his dick and put it inside me, " yeah that's better then you just fucking riding my thigh~" he said pumping his dick in and out of me, "fuck wilbur keep going~" i moaned, " oh don't worry george i'm not stopping until we both cum" wilbur said.

I already knew wilbur was very close because he started groaning , i was also very close and when i'm very close i start breathing very hard, " shit in so close~" he said groaning, " me to" i said. After a few pumps later we both came, " oh yeah that feels so good" he said taking his dick out of me, " mmm you were right that was better then me just riding your thigh" i said cleaning up my self. wilbur also cleaned himself up.

742 words🤍

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