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this will be on karlnotfound!! (i'm fighting the urge to do georgebur) this will be written by w!!
George pov
I was at a bar with a few of my friends. We were drinking little by little. We didn't want to get to drunk. We wanted a calm night, we didn't have the energy to carry one of our friends out of the bar. "ugh! i'm boreddddd... do we HAVE to do a calm night..?" nick said.

"nick how about you stop complaining! that's all you do for a living!" clay said. "hey george... can i invite someone over? he's pretty chill!" nick said ignoring clay completely.

"i mean sure. i'm bored so why not!" i said. "let's go" nick said under his breathe. clay looked over at me and furrowed his eyebrows, but i just ignored him. nick took his phone out and called someone. "hey man! it's been a while!" nick said getting up to go outside.

"why did you agree? nick is a fucking idiot! he's going to invite someone who is blasting with energy!" clay complained. "and? maybe we could have a little bit of fun tonight!" i say. "if he invites a stoner over i swear to god." clay sighed frustrated.

I could really give less of a shit, this night was already boring and i was down for anything. even a stoner. nick came back and sat down.

"he's on his way! he lives close by so it won't take long!" he said in excitement. "what's his name?" i ask, grabbing my beer. "karl" nick said. "mm" i said swallowing the sip of beer i just took.

I heard the bar door open and looked behind me. I saw a man, with brown hair, it was fluffy but cute. he had greyish eyes and he was honestly kind of cute.

"karl! over here!" nick yelled. The man looked over at our table. He walked up to us and i realized he was the one and only karl. "sit here dude!" nick said patting on the seat next to him.

"ok so! this is george" nick said pointing to me.
karl looked at me and gave me a side smile.
I smiled back as my ears grew hot.
"and this.. is clay" nick said rolling his eyes.
"shut up nick!" clay said.

They started to argue while karl looked at me. I tried my hardest to ignore him but i just couldn't keep my eyes off him. "so.. your george?" he said. his voice was so soothing for no reason. "yeah.." i said nervously.

"so what do you do for a living?" he asked me.
"oh um, i'm a twitch streamer." i said in disappointment. "really? me too!" he said in excitement. "really?! oh my god that's amazing!" i said. "i guess we both failed in life huh?" he said smiling. "yeah" i chuckled.

A waitress came over to ask if we needed a refill on our beers. "well actually can we get another beer?" i asked. "of course! i'll be back" the waitress left and i turned back around to karl.

They turnt off the lights to the bar and added the colored lights.

Nick and clay were still arguing while me and karl started to talk even more. We really got along well and we even started planning other times we could hang out without our nick and clay.

I even found out he was colorblind! we had a lot of things in common, the only we didn't have in common was that we didn't have the same type of color blindness.

Nick and clay sadly stopped fighting and looked over at me and karl. We were laughing ridiculously hard for no reason. "uh.. did something happen?" clay said. "oh nothing! it's just karl! he just told me something!.." i said chuckling.

"i see you guys got along" nick said smiling. clay didn't seem happy about it though.

I could really give less of a fuck though. i was having a blast with karl.

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