*Not you too*

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w writing!! this will be in qnf!!

Alex pov:
I got drunk with George when we went to a restaurant he recommended. A bit too drunk though.

We just left the place at 3:09 am which was past almost the time they closed. We were the last people leaving and George had to keep his arm around my neck to even move a single muscle.

"A-Alex~ did yOu sEe me chhuuuG the fUCk out of thaT bEEr?" he asked slurring everything he said. "yeah i saw you chug it! come on hurry we have to get home!" I said high pitching my voice a bit.

"o-okayyuh" he replied. I tried to speed walk but george kept dragging me back since he was walking lopsided.

While we were walking we saw some uk drillers and George went ballistic.

"oMg Alex!! please can wE stOp walking for a BiT?" he asked.

I knew he wanted to stop just to watch them rap and even try to join in but fail, but this time he was drunk.

He can't just talk to random strangers at this time and the way hes acting right now too.

I was overthinking a bit to much that he wasn't in my sight anymore.

"George?!" I yelled. "hEre!" i heard him say. I looked behind me and saw him going where the uk drillers were going.

"George what the hell?! you can't just wander off with random people you don't know!" I yelled i grabbed his arm and started walking.

"but Alexxxxx!! their cool!" he complained. "yeah and your childish. PLUS your drunk right now! you NEED to rest right now!!" I said.

"booo party p-fooper!" he said. "you mean pooper?" i said pissed. "i said pooper." he said. "yeah you did! come one hurry up." I said high pitching my voice again.

We were almost there and honestly for the first time in my life i'm actually happy about going back to a house.

"we're almost there!" i said. "noOooOoOoOooOO" george slurred. I started walking faster knowing george might run off.

Finally we made it home. I got the keys from George's pocket and unlocked the door.

We entered the house smelling that fresh breeze of the AC. I let out a sigh and closed the door behind me.

George looked at me and groaned. "do we have beers?~" he asked still slurring his words. "no no no no. you don't need anymore beers."

"what you need is sleep" i said high pitching my voice. "sleep is healthier!" i said. "but beer is better!" he complained.

"fucking christ." I groaned. I collapsed on the couch and put my hands on my head. I sighed knowing that george will probably drink the whole night and i'll find him passed out in the bathroom.

George came in and sat next to me in the couch. i turnt to look at him and saw his eyes were red. I could tell that his eyelids were heavy. "you good?" he asked. "i should be asking the same thing." I said. He got up to sit on my lap.

He stared dead at me in the eyes and i looked up at him. I could tell he was about to fall asleep. Until. He started grinding against me painfully slowly.

Whatever he was trying to do, he really didn't want to go to bed. I watched him move his hips slowly, speeding up the pace everytime he got a bit of pleasure.

I bit my lip and put my hands on his hips. I could see the goosebumps he got from that on his arms. I pulled him by the neck of the shirt and kissed him.

He started grinding faster as i quietly moaned still kissing him. I grasped his neck and heard a whimper out of him.

I put my hands back on his hips and helped him fasten the pace. George started to take off his shirt and threw it to the other side of the room. "augh!~" he moaned.

He hit his g spot and leaned in closer to me. He was close enough for me to kiss his neck. I left sloppy wet kisses on his neck and collar bones. "mmm~" he whimpered.

He ran his delicate hands through my hair which had me rolling my eyes back slowly. "f-fuck Alex i'm close~" he said slurring his words once again.
I nodded as a way showing that i'm also close.
We kept at it moaning, whimpering, and groaning until we both came. We sighed knowing that we had laundry to do now.

But it was worth it.

this was lazily done but yk a story hasnt been posted on here in a big while!

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2022 ⏰

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