* drunk asf *

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Ayo it's Q writing this fanfic and this fanfic is going to be a Quackity x George :)
                                George's POV:
today dream was going to perform mask live on tv so me and Quackity,Badboyhalo,Sapnap,
Jack, and Karl are hanging out at my house and watch dream perform. I was getting the beer and I don't know what the others were bringing but I just said they had to bring at least one thing. I told everyone to be here at 4 pm since dream was gonna be live on tv at 5 pm, right now it's 2:48 pm and I already got the beer so right now i'm just waiting for the boys to arrive at my house.

It was 3:36 pm. I was just looking at my comments from a new tweet I posted when I heard my door bell ring, I got up to see who it was, I opened the door to see Karl standing on my front yard, " hey George, I know i'm early I hope your not busy or anything" karl said, "nah i'm not busy plus i'm bored out of my mind right now so thank god you came a few minutes earlier" I said as he was entering my house. Once he came in we both sit down in my couch in the living room. We just talked about streaming and how excited to see dream live on tv, when we talked time passed so fast that it was already 4:33 pm. everyone was in my house already, everyone was sitting down on my couch and we were all talking to each other until it was 12 minutes before dream performed on tv, " Ayo guys before we see dream perform let's get some chelas(beer) and drink them" Quackity said going to the kitchen and taking out the beers from the fridge.

Quackity came back with some beers for him and I, Quackity sat down and gave me a beer but i don't drink beer or any alcohol, " oh no thank you Quackity I don't drink alcohol" i said to giving him back the beer, " bro at least drink one beer or wait are you being a pussy right now George?" Quackity asked, " no i'm not being a pussy Quackity I just don't like alcohol in general" I said, " come on drink a beer, if you don't i'm going to call you a pussy for a month every time we call or text" he told me, " fine but only one beer" i said taking the bottle from his hand and opening it.

7 minutes before dreamed performed and we were just all talking while waiting for the time to come. it was finally 5 pm, I turned on the tv and dream was about to sing already so I turned the tv on time, while dream was singing we were all also singing the song along with dream. Dream was done with performing so I turned off the tv and putted some music instead, we all just started talking again and eating chips. I was already kinda tipsy, I didn't drink more beers but like I am not use to drink even with one drink I get drunk.

Anyways quackity asked me something, " George can I can get your charger so I can charge my phone?" he asked me, " yeah sure it's in my bedroom" i said feeling hella tipsy and already feeling the alcohol kicking in, " okay thanks i will be right back" he said already leaving the room to my bedroom. I had been crushing on Quackity for a while now, his laugh always warms my heart, how he texts me every morning to say good morning and how he also calls me every day it feel amazing, he's always on my mind unlike dream, a lot of people ship me and dream and sure we flirt but it's obvious we are joking around so I hate when people say omg I ship dreamnotfound like why not ship quackitynotfound.

I was drunk so of course I didn't think about what I was about to do but since I liked Quackity so. I decided to follow Quackity to my bedroom and see if something happens between me and him, maybe i can flirt with him or something. I got up from my couch and went to my bedroom, it has not been so long since quackity left to go get the charger so while i opened the door of my bedroom door he had barely found the charger and disconnected it from the plug on the wall.

                               Quackity's pov:
I already drank like 7 chelas so i'm hella drunk but i can still know what i'm doing.

                                 George's pov:
I went inside, " oh hey george, it took me a while but i finally found the charger" Quackity said showing me the charger in his hands, " I dont give a fuck about that, i didnt come in here to see if you found the damn charger" I said walking up to quackity, " then why did you come in here?" he asked me. I didnt say anything but i did start to kiss him, " mmm this is what you wanted from me huh" he said through the kiss, " yeah" i said. We went to my bed without breaking the kiss, Quackity laid me down and got on top of me. He started to unbuckle my belt, he then pulled down my boxers, Quackity grabbed my dick and started to only suck the tip, " come on quackity I need pleasure from you~" I said, " mmm beg for me again and maybe i will give you pleasure" said with a smirk on his face, " please quackity i need you right now~" I moaned and begged, " okay now i will give you full on pleasure george" he said putting my dick back to his mouth, he put my whole dick down his throat without warning, " OH MY GOD~" i moaned, "AH SHIT QUACKITY IM GOING TO CUM" I told quackity, I came in Quackity's mouth.

                              Quackitys pov:
"shit George you get me so fucking horny" I said unbuckling my belt and taking down my underwear, I told George to flip over and got on a dog position. I grabbed my dick and put it into George ass, I started to go in and out slow so George can get used to the size. After a while i went faster, " HOLY FUCK GEORGE~" I moaned, " AUH QUACKITY GO FASTER~" Quackity said. I was going to go faster but then we heard a knock on the door, " are you guys alright in there?" Karl asked behind George's bedroom door, " uh yeah we were just talking about some stuff in private" I said while both of us were trying to change as fast as possible, after we changed super fast, I opened fast so they don't suspect nothing, " woah were you guys doing a work out while talking or something?" Karl asked because both me and George were sweating like crazy, " oh uh no it was just super hot in my room" George said lying but we had to lie so we won't get caught. Me,George and Karl went back to the living room, " bro what the fuck we thought both of you were dead" jack said, " language!" badboyhalo said, " yeah we thought you guys died so we had to send Karl to see what happened to you guys" Sapnap said to us, " well we are here now so let's keep this mini party continuing!" I said grabbing a other beer even tho i was already drunk i wanted more chelas.

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