*Wish you were gay*

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This is a Georgebur story by Q!!!


Wilbur's POV: I was at home watching a YouTube video when Jack texted the group chat that him, I, and George are in, " hey guys, want to do a drunk vlog in a bar in 1 hour?" He asked, "sure why not, we will meet each other in the bar " we all agreed.

I stopped watching YouTube, got my sweater and left my house. I got to the bar Jack told us to meet up to, I went inside and saw Jack sitting there already drinking something, " hey Jack, George isn't here yet?" I asked sitting next to him, " yeah he texted me that he was going to be here soon, why? wait I know why, you want to see your boyfriend" Jack teased me taking a sip of his drink, I already told Jack I liked George so that's the reason he said that comment " shut up Jack, here he comes" I said spotting George coming towards us.

" hey guys, are you guys ready to drink?" George asked sitting next to me, " yeah" me and Jack said. Jack ordered drinks for us, and we started to drink right away.

We all already had a few drinks so of course we all started to get a bit tipsy, Jack gets his camera and starts to record, " today we are doing a drunk vlog with George and Wilbur!" he said in excitement as me and George waved to the camera.

I almost hesitated to do this vlog with Jack and George because when I start to get drunk, I start to say some stupid stuff but decided to do the vlog anyways.

I started talking to George while Jack was talking to the camera for his vlog, " so how you been?" George asked me, " better, now that i'm with you" i flirted, like i said i start to do some dumb shit when im drunk, " um okay..." George said looking away but I grabbed his chin and turned it my way and kissed him, " what the hell Wilbur why did you do that!" he said pushing me away from him, " cuz i know you like me back, right?" I chuckled, " i'm sorry Wilbur but i never liked you like that" he told me. trust me i was drunk but i knew i just messed things up so i just stayed quiet the whole time after that, so did George.

Jack was the most that was drunk, so he was just talking crap the whole time, " why aren't you guys talking, come on say something " jack complained, " uh you know what im pretty tired i think I'm going to head home"I told him. Jack put his arm around George's neck, " oh come on already? your being so boring today, well at least i got George!" "actually, i think i'm leaving to" George said, " not you to George" he said letting go of George, " sorry" George then left and so did i.

When I got home I just went straight to bed. The next morning, I was a bit hangover but not that bad, I grabbed my phone and saw that I had more notifications than I normally do but I just ignored it and went straight to a youtube notification that said Jack had posted a drunk vlog. I started watching the video while still laying down in bed, I was in a part of the video where Jack was talking to the camera.

I remember when he was talking to the camera, I continued watching until I saw in the background when I kissed George, I didn't know that me kissing George was in frame until now. I went straight to the comments and saw a bunch of people talking about me and George kissing.

Some people were hating, and some people were shipping me and George. Now i knew where all those notifications were coming from. But I also messed things up with George. I just wish you were gay George.

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