* met him last night *

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George's POV:

Today I was going to a club with Wilbur in about 3 hours, I did not want to go to this club but since Wilbur begged me to go I decided to go with him, I was done getting ready. I did not put anything nice or fancy since I did not really care about this club thing. Since Wilbur woke up late and he was getting ready, I just went on instagram and looked at my notifications.

I decided to call him to see why its taking forever." Come on Wilbur we are gonna be in traffic and you know I hate traffic" I said through the phone, " I know I woke up late but I promise I am  getting my car keys to pick you up right now" He said, "okay call me when your outside" I said hanging up.

I continued to do what I was doing before I called Wilbur. Wilbur started to call me, "I am outside George" Wilbur said, "Okay I will be out in a few" I told him. I got my wallet and headed out the door, " Hey what's up George, wait why are you wearing sweats pants and a hoodie? you look like a homeless man" He asked me while I was getting in the car, "I am going to a club with you, be grateful for that" I told Wilbur, "fine I guess" Wilbur said starting to drive.

We were in a bit traffic but not a lot so I was not so bothered about that. We got there in about 32 minutes, once Wilbur parked the car, Wilbur and I got off the car we started to walk to the club was held at, " How far do we need to walk to get there?" I asked him," don't worry its not that far" Wilbur said. He was right, it was not far at all. We were outside the place, " Wilbur this place looks very ugly" I said looking at how the place looked liked from outside, " I know it looks very ugly from the outside but trust me from inside its not that very ugly" Wilbur said, " alright" I said as we both open the door to go in inside.

I look around inside the place, it was actually not that bad, " come on lets look for my friend Karl, he is the one invited me to this club" Wilbur told me. There was loud music playing and club lights shining everywhere inside. Wilbur and I finally found his friend Karl, " hey Wilbur I have been waiting for you to arrive" Karl said giving Wilbur a hug, " hey Karl, oh uh this is one of my best friends George, I hope its alright I brought him along with me " Wilbur said, " Yeah its totally fine that you brought your friend!" Karl said happily, " come on let me introduce you guys to my friends" Karl said taking us to a table where his friends were sitting at, " Wilbur and George these are my friends, Jack, Quackity, and Dream" Karl said while they all said hi to both me and Wilbur.

" Hey guys" Me and Wilbur said sitting down in the table where everyone was sitting at. Wilbur sat next to Karl and I sat next to Quackity. We all started talking with each other, even I started talking with Quackity, which is surprisingly because I don't trust any stranger to just open up and talk to people but it was really easy to open up and talk to him, I don't know why but I felt like I could trust Quackity the second I saw him. We kept laughing and everything, I took a second to look at Wilbur, he was sitting right across from me. He kept drinking beers after beers and after beers, Wilbur always drinks a lot when we go to clubs, but I already got used to it.

They started to play Party Monster by the weekend, " oh shit I fucking love this song, come on dance with me George" Quackity said putting his beer down on the table, " oh no thanks I cant dance at all" I said to him, but trust me that was one of my favorite songs but I dance really bad, " I don't care you are dancing with me either if you like it or not" He told me grabbing my wrist and dragging me to the dance floor.

Quackity started dancing I stood there looking like an idiot until I studied Quackity on how he was dancing and then I started to follow the beat of the song and the dancing of Quackity, "George you lied! you don't even dance bad" He said over the music playing, " Trust me I normally do dance bad but I guess I'm not dancing that bad today " I said still dancing with him. " Damn I'm already sweating" I said wiping my sweat off with my sweater sleeve, " Well of course you are gonna sweat your wearing a hoodie and sweatpants, who even wears that to a club?" Quackity said chuckling, " Well I wore this because I hate going to clubs and having to dress nice and all that, I thought this club was gonna be boring but after all it's not" I said grinning," If you hate clubs why are you here right now?" He asked, " Wilbur begged me to come with him so I didn't really have a choice" I told him.

" I drank way to many sodas that I now have to use the restroom, I will be right back" I told Quackity. I entered the men's restroom, there was no one else in the restroom but me. I was already washing my hands when Quackity came in and started kiss me roughly, " what are you doing Quackity" I muffled through the kiss, " shit sorry, I just really been wanting to do that for a while" He said, " no its fine the kiss was not that bad" I said nervously.

Wilbur busted in the restroom, " guys come out and drink beers with me hold up, were yall just making out?" Wilbur said barley balancing in his two feet already drunk, " uh no we were just talking" I said looking over at Quackity, " oh ok then come on and drink some beers with me George" Wilbur told me, " um I actually think we should go Wilbur" I told him, " no why you do you want to leave already?" He asked, " I just don't like clubs alright and we already been here for a while so I want to go already" I said to Wilbur, " fine I guess lets go then" Wilbur said annoyed. I didn't know what else to say to Quackity and it was getting awkward so I had to come up with that excuse to get out of the situation even tho I really liked him.

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