Chapter 72 - Extra

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"Why do you have that?" Loki asks, analyzing the dagger in your hands. The only thing that differentiate the two was the carvings on the handle.

You shake your head, "Can't tell you, won't tell you," You retort, kicking him in the groin, which made him groan.

The dagger almost fell to your face, the sharp part almost going through your face until your rolled away.

The tesseract spotted, you went ahead to get it, only to be stabbed in the leg, which made you recoil back.

Loki stood up rather painfully as you shriek at the bleeding calf, about to remove it but, you knew better not to.

"Kid, where are you?" You hear through your communicator, Steve's worried tone made you panic.

"I'm fine, just hold on," You assure, helping yourself up.

With Loki almost getting his hands on the cube, you quickly flicked your hand, which made him fall down.

The benefits of Asgardian Sorcery.

You quickly wobbled over the tesseract, feeling a hand on your leg, you wuickly activated the suit.

Traveling through the quantum realm with an injury hurts much more than you expected.


When you felt yourself land on concrete, you opened your eyes to see Steve running over to you.

But before he could touch you, you were pinned by an arm, with a sigh, you knew it was Loki.

He huffs, "Where am I, where did you take me?" He asks, looking around to see the elder avengers, especially Thor, "Thor? Why do you.." He trails.

You shake your head, biting his hand, which made him yelp as you went out of his arms.

Your hand flying over to his temple, a green emits out which made him faint, you take out a relieved sigh.

"Y/n, it worked!" You hear Natasha call out, who before, was hugging a devastated Clint. "You have a dagger in your calf," She points, rather bluntly.

You nod, "The tesseract," You threw it over to Tony, who had an awkward smile, "What?" You ask.

"We already have a tesseract," He answered, making you furrow your brows.

"So I got stabbed in the leg, only for my work to be wasted?" You ask, exasperated.

Thor pats your lower back, "Why don't you go take a rest, lady Y/n," His eyes spot Loki, "And maybe take care of Loki."


Loki grumbles as he stird awake slowly, feeling a weight just beside him. So he kept silent as he heard talking.

"What are we supposed to do with him, I mean, we can't just keep him here?" Steve asks, his hands on his hips.

You wince as you wrap cloth around your wound, "Relax, his magic is bound, as long as I'm alive, he won't be able to do anything."

Steve sighs, "And the extra tesseract?" He asks.

You shrug, "Hey, maybe we could fix something with it," You answer, making him shake his head, "For once in my lifetime, I don't really know."

Steve nods, "I'll see you inside the lab, Y/n," He salutes before moving out of your room.

You knot the cloth around your calf, getting some extra supplies for the injured God of Mischief.

He was from New York, from what you've remembered, he was tortured. It was the least you can do.

You were standing in front of your desk, hearing shifting behind you, with a clench of your fist it stopped.

"How many abilities do you have?" Loki asks, exasperated as he felt himself going frozen.

You shrug, "Asgardian sorcery is what I currently have," You inform, turning on your heel to meet his angered face. You sighed, "This wasn't supposed to happen."

He nods sarcastically, "Of course it isn't, you want revenge, don't you?" He asks, "I must've won something."

"You haven't won much," You answered, moving to sit beside him which made him tense up.

He furrows his brows, "Then why have you captured me?" He asks, watching as your hand pulls out a cotton.

"It's not like I wanted to," You retort, about to pat his face with the soggy cotton, only for him to scoot away. "I'm helping you."

"Why?" He asks, leaning cautiously towards you.

You tilt your head side to side, searching for an excuse, "Look," You put a hand out, "The future will be pretty nice if you just listen to me."

"So I'm in the future? Fantastic!" He exclaims with sarcasm, hissing when he felt a stinging place on his wound.

You cleaned up his wounds quietly, ignoring his continuous remarks, which irritated him.

"Let's see what my future has for me, then," He finalizes, making your head perk up in confusion.

You furrow your brows, "What?" You ask, about to reply once again, only for a hand on your forehead to interrupt you.

He was searching through your memories, which mainly consisted of him. Of course it would be, the two of you were inseparable.

His eyes were squinted closed as he watched every moment, every time you touched hands with his, and every kiss you shared with him.

What scared him the most, but would never admit, is how attached he's become with you.

His mouth hung open as he removed his hand, only to see your sullen expression.

"I was your lover?" He asks in a quiet voice, "Were we really so.."

"Touchy?" You ask, "If that's all, I need to go," You excused, you had no time for this.

He wanted to say much, much more, but you had already left him inside the room.

He would've lied if he said he didn't get butterflies from those memories. He's heard your soft remarks to him.

Your promises to love him till the end.

And what made his stomach drop, is how he broke that love with you. He wondered if he was that stupid to ever let go of you.

"Is-Is there something to calm my nerves here," Loki mumbled, a mixture of emotions overwhelming him.


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