Deadpool interrupts

472 23 13

He tapped the camera as he stared through your soul, literally, his eyes were trained on the screen.

A smile plastered from inside of his mask, stepping a few steps back, only to trip on the coffee table.

His head perks back up to view, lending a thumbs up, "You're probably wondering.." He starts, sitting down on the sofa, "Oh, why is deadpool here?" He mimics a small voice.

The room around him was messy, on top of the table was stacks of paper and different types of chips lay across it. Spilled juice dripping on the corner, which made a small puddle on the wooly carpet.

"Well, author told me that I wasn't allowed here, so here I am!" He clapped, standing up.

He leaned to get some of the papers, flipping each of them as he lets out a bored sigh.

Looking back at the camera as it zooms closer to his face, "I don't think she minds looking across a few of her drafts, right?"

The camera nods, but he slowly lends a hand to stop it with a hush. He leaned back on the sofa as his foot taps, his head tilting side to side.

"God, there's a lot of murder on this one!" He exclaims, flipping the paper to see it's design. A woman in the middle holding a sword as a bird flaps on her shoulder, "I like it."

He chuckles, but it was humorless, flipping through more of the papers as he mumbled incoherent things.

"Ooh~" He cooed, "Y/n Romanoff," He laughed, "Y/n..Jesus why can't they just think of a name," He shakes his head.

Crumpling the paper with a picture of a woman, Natasha and a blonde warrior who all held guns, thrumpled behind the couch.

He stood up abruptly, slapping his knees as he did. "I heard she has a station in here," He looks left and right.

The masked man takes the camera in his hands and makes way across the apartment.

Through all the nooks and crannies, he finds a door. A highly simple, cute and suspicious door that had a sign that said, don't enter.

"Don't mind if I do," He sang, kicking open the door, revealing a whole laboratory. Though when he switches the light, it became much more interesting. "Now, what does she keep in here."

Around here was test tubes the size big enough for a human, and each tube actually had a human! Wow, great job, author.

Deadpool looks at the screen, "Yeah, I'm writing this whole thing," He continued walking as his eye catches a familiar person. Beside the tube was a desk with files and papers, on top was steaming coffee.

He was a brunette, his other arm robotic as he wore some kind of flannel. It was blue, and on his head was a flower crown.

"What the fuck knuckles?" Deadpool asks, his hand waving through the sign that named the specimen. "It's the Winter Soldier!" He gapes, "Bucky fanfic?" He deadpans.

His hand immediately gathers the files, the coffee mug breaking, which caused an echo around the room.

"Ohoho," He jumped excitedly, the camera left on the desk, "Daughter of Zemo," He shakes his shoulders, "God, this is some angst," He reads through the files.

He tilts his head, "I wonder where she gets this shit," He turns around, back to face Bucky, "You are one," He taps the tube, "Lucky asshole."

He skips throughout the place, each tube had someone for a fanfic.

Like, The legend of Sigyn, where the man was wearing Asgardian armor, his hair was still greasy as hell, though.

"Ha!" Deadpool points at his face, taking a marker out of his pockets to create a clown drawing right by his face.

He swings the pen away, causing a small clatter on the ground as he moves on to the next one.

He finds a water-filled tube, inside was a woman with a tail. A mermaid? Didn't think she would have the time to make all this.

He takes one of the files and clears his throat, "What happens when a Siren washes up on shore, meeting-ah!" He shouts as he heard the door swing open.

"Wade!" Her voice called out, her hooded face hard to see-oh wait, nevermind, she just removed it. "Stop breaking into my house!" She exclaims.

"Oh, come on, it's nice here," He argued, throwing the file aside but it only angered the woman more.

She had short hair, like a mullet, curly bangs at the edge of her face. She wore a slightly wet, red coat that was now discarded on the ground as she marches towards him.

"Look, I wasn't gonna read everything, just-" He was interrupted by his mouth zipping, it was completely erased under the mask.

She gave him a taunting smile, "Can't say anything now, huh, genius?" She taunts, taking the camera in her hands which changed the view. "You weren't supposed to reveal that much."

"Well yeah, if I wasn't, then why am I still here?" He asks, getting through your little game, "And besides, these little fucks probably wanted to know."

"They aren't little fucks, you fuck," She retorts, narrowing her eyes, "Tell me you didn't reveal my name?"

"What, Willow? Shit name, by the way," He retorts, snatching the phone back, "I didn't, if that's what you want to know."

"First of all, I have plenty of names to replace Willow," She points a finger-Willow points a finger, "Stop that."

"Stop what?"

"Stop narrating the story that's what I'm," Willow points to herself, "Supposed to do, wha-why are you still here?" Willow asks.

"Why? Am I not allowed to be here?" He asks, faking offense as his brows furrow under the mask.

"Haha," Willow laughs sarcastically, "Stop calling me-you know what, you're gone," She finalized, looking back to her files.

"Wait wha-" He was interrupted by the creen glitching, red and blue eating the screen.


Deadpool sat outside the apartment, rain dripping on him as his form was slouched.

He stared at the camera dead in the eyes, "Get it? Dead," He laughed like a maniac, sighing as he layed down on the street.

"I'm gonna do this again, one day," He mumbled, looking to the side to meet the camera, "And that day, is somewhere inside a fanfic."

"No you're not!" Author shouts from the window, throwing an empty can of soda that hit his head.

"Ow!" He exclaims, rubbing the side of his head.

She rolled her eyes, "Stop being a wuss, you won't die!" She shouts.

"And that ladies and gentlemen and non-binary people," He clapped, "Is how you hijack a fanfic, goodbye!"


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