Kris walked through the walls on his way to his parents house, though on his way he thought he'd pick up another hook. His was getting dull and he didn't want to be left without one mid-way into his trip. Let alone have to get an earful from his parents. So he carefully and quietly sneak into the messy humans room. The human was out of the apartment for work tonight, he usually took the nights anyway. It was good for him and Ben so they could get supplies at relatively early hours of the night. He only needed a small sewing pin then he could bend it and break the end off to make a hook. It would have to be relatively simple and only used as a backup, but it would still do.
He made his way to the exit of the wall and quietly open the door. He walked through quietly and let the door shut slowly behind him. He walked along the walls from behind the desk to under the bed and then eventually the closet entrance. He slowly crept through the small crack the closet has been left open. As he began to rummage around through the mess of the closets pile of art supplies he felt a weird feeling in his gut. As if he were doing something he wasn't supposed to be, or if he was being watched. He chocked it up to just being nervous for his first long trip alone. Even when he'd moved to this apartment with Ben, Kris had come here with him. They'd walked together to their new home and he hadn't really gone on any long juries before unless it was with his parents as a young child. Though as he kept looking he felt a strong vibration in the flow beneath him, then another, and another until the closet was ripped open above him.Andrew sat on his bed scrolling threw his phone. He'd taken today off to go with Evan and some other friends to the park, but Evan all the sudden bailed on him. Then it started raining of all things so he couldn't even go anyway. As he did so his eyes wandered around the room. He was just looking through random videos on the internet but none of them really interested him. With a sigh he set his phone down on his bed to look out the window. The rain was beginning to get a bit harder now, it could be heard in a soothing pattern. He sat against the wall and shut his eyes and as he was just about to drift off to sleep he heard a small creaking sound. It wasn't very noticeable but with him paying full attention to the rain it stood out just a bit.
He looked around the room to see what could have caused the sudden noice when his eyes landed to movement under his desk. As he casually looked over, his eyes landed on something impossible. Creeping through the wall in a secret entrance under his desk was an impossibly small man. He seemed to be wearing a long jacket, shorts, And knee high socks? An odd choice. His mind shook off the fashion sense as he was brought back to reality as it began walking towards him while staying along the wall. He didn't dare move. He watched as he slowly crept under the bed, still when he did so Andrew dared not move.
He looked around the room for a minute or so wondering where the small guy had gone, and if there was and exit under his bed that he had just used. Right at Andrew was about to move and look under the bed his eyes caught sight of him again walking from under his bed to his closet. When he saw the small man walk into the closet that's when he knew he had to do something. He didn't know wether he'd come back out or what, but he couldn't let him just leave without some answers. So slowly he got up from his bed and walked over in a brisk walk. He opened the closed door and looked down, there at his feet was the small man.Kris looked behind him to see the black socked feet of the human. He began to panic. 'He shouldn't be home! Why is he home!' He thought as he began to hyperventilate. He looked up to see the redheaded human looking down at him. He couldn't tell what the human was thinking, he just knew that it couldn't be good. Kris only took a few moments before he went full sprint towards the inner mess of the closet. He didn't know what he was doing, he just hoped the human would give up if he couldn't find him. He ran under some crumpled up papers and past some cloths that were on the floor. He hid behind a cardboard box with another stacked on top and one next to it. He breathed heavily though he tried to stay quiet.
Almost immediately after he'd found his hiding spot he heard the crumpled of paper and watched as the cloths got carelessly roped from the closet. Kris cringed. If he had been on there he'd have most likely flown across the room, leading to some serious damage. He heard the top box beginning to be shifted and lifted off of his hiding spot, in no time the human would find him. He looked around for another place to hide as he ran deeper into the closet. He could hear the human grabbing the box and set it down heavily on the ground. It shook beneath him with the force and threw him from his feet. He landed next to a small stack of painting canvases attached sideways. He looked around. There was nowhere else to go, his only choice was to try and squeeze between the canvases and hope the human wouldn't see him.
His heart pounded as light flooded in from the second box being moved. He could see the human know, Kris watched as he moved the box next the other. Once again as he set it down the ground underneath Kris shook. He curled his knees to his chest as he backed up as far into the wall as he could. Kris watched as the human looked around before moving the final box. Kris began to hyperventilate, he watched the giant pale hands grab the box with a force that would crush him easily. 'That's it. I'm done' Kris thought as tears formed in his eyes. 'He's gonna find me' he thought to himself as he tried to keep silent with his wide eyes and tears flowing from them. He looked away, he didn't want to see the humans face. He felt the ground shake as the human moved the final box. He'd heard him say something, though it didn't register what it was.
Kris faced the wall as he curled up into a ball, trying to look as small as possible with his head on his knees and arms wrapped around tight. He could feel the humans eyes burning a hole into his back even while he wasn't looking at him. 'P-please' Kris thought to himself. He didn't know what he was pleading for. He just couldn't process anything at the moment besides his own terror. That's when the humans words reached his ears. This time he knew what he said. He wasn't sure if that made it worse or not.Andrew stared down at the small humanoid guy for a few moments before he'd sprinted off into his closet. He hesitated for a moment before getting to his knees and trying to look at where he was going. 'Ugh, too dark' he thought to himself as he sat up again. He removed the crumpled pieces of paper and shirt next to it, setting it behind himself knowing he'd seen the guy run farther than that. He began to move the boxes from view, he was sure he had to be bending them. After getting the first two out of the way be began to get concerned.
"Hey, it's alright, you can come out. I won't hurt yah" he said as he removed the final box from blocking his view. He looked around, his heart dropped when he didn't see him behind any of the boxes. 'Where did he-' Andrew began to panic as he saw a small space in between the stack of canvases Evan asked him to store in his closet. He bent his head down to peak in between the space. He wasn't sure what he expected to see, but it certainly wasn't the pitiful looking ball shaking at the very back of the closet. "Aww it's ok little one" he said with a soft voice. "Come on out so we can talk little guy" he said, trying to sound reassuring.Kris shook violently as he heard the humans words wash over him. Though he stayed where he was. There was no way he was going to just give himself up willingly to a human. His grip tightened around his coat as he tried to appear smaller. 'God I must look pathetic' he thought to himself as he silently cried. He'd heard a sigh then the last thing making him feel safe was stripped away from him as the human pushed the canvases away, leaving Kris exposed.
"Please don't be scared. You're all right little guy" Andrew said in a soft sone as he pushed the canvases away from the small, shivering form before him. He didn't want him to feel cornered or anything of the sort.
Kris stayed silent. The rules clearly stated that if you were cought you were to not talk to the human, he'd have to keep his mouth shut. He didn't want to look back. He knew his shelter was stripped away and now there was nothing between him and the human. Not like it wasn't something the human couldn't deal with before, just having something was comfortable for him. Now that was all gone, his shelter, his security.. his freedom. 'Just go away.' Kris silently pleaded in his head.
Andrew looked at the small man for a few moments. He'd given no response other than curling in on himself more, he didn't want the guy to stay in the closet forever. Plus, this position was hurting his back. He reached his hands out to softly cup the man between his hands to carry him over to the bed so he could lay down while they talked.
Kris felt the presence of something coming towards his form, he peaked an eye open. His eyes widened at the shadow of the humans hand was coming towards him. He barely had time to register that fact before he was picked up by the human. He shivered as the tears kept flowing. He kept shaking and couldn't stop. His eyes were shut tight. He just wanted a simple hook. He'd only needed one thing, he'd thought the human was gone. He was SUPPOSED to be gone. Kris had heard him getting ready earlier to leave. He was leaving! So why was he here? Why was this happening to him? He'd done nothing wrong..
Andrew walked over the the bed looking at his hands that helped a, seemingly fully grown, human man in his hands. It was surreal. He could barely feel the weight in his palm. Something a little lighter than a pencil or pen. He was amazed as he sat down on his bed. He watched as the small man lightly bounced up and down as he did. "Sorry" Andrew uttered a soft apology as he layed down on his side with the small man in one hand. He layed with his hand supporting his head as he set down the man on his bed, cupping his other hand behind him. Mostly just Becuse he didn't know what else to do with it, but also in case the little guy decided to make a run for it again. He could get himself hurt pulling another stunt like that.
You Can't Trust A Borrower
Ficción GeneralTwo life long friends moved into an apartment a year ago, however, what they don't know is the same time they arrived so did two unexpected guests. Things were fine for a year until Ben finally got greedy, now things will never be the same. Trusting...