Conversation Enders

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'I never wanted this. I never wanted any of this to happen, yet here I am. Cowering in fear from one of the most horrifying creatures I could ever think to find myself faced with. All my life I was raised to fear these monsters.

As children, all borrowers were told stories of all the awful things they would do to us if one were even unlucky enough to ever be caught. What they were taught has been ingrained into the memory of many along with the instincts to survive. Ben along with practically every other borrower was raised to fear the very same human who we lived alongside. The very same humans who would kill you without a second thought. The very same who would torture you without remorse. The very same who would do anything in their power to get their hands on you, only to end you once they were satisfied with all they have put you through. Humans never show mercy to their victims. That's just how it works.

'Out of all my years of borrowing, I've only made one mistake. Even only one can end up being a fatal one for a borrower and though one is going to cost me my life. All because I had gotten too cocky. After years of borrowing experience, I had finally pushed the limit too far and now I was going to pay the ultimate price for that. Now I'm going to die.' Ben thought as he stared up at the massive bean. His life was going to be over any second now. And it was all his fault.

However, for the human things seemed significantly different. While Ben was panicking, the human, Evan, was having a different type of mental breakdown. 'This can't be happening. There is absolutely no way this is physically possible! But I can see it and on top of that, I was able to touch it!' Evan thought while looking down at the small human creature now sitting on his desk. The same desk where he worked on college assignments was the very one that held a small living breathing seemingly human guy. 'This is definitely not what I expected to come home to today' Evan thought to himself.

Evan looked at the absolute tiny man sitting on his desk trying to find any explanation for how this could be possible, but his mind could only come to blanks. He observed the small man's behaviors and from the looks of it, he seemed to be shocked just as much as he was, if not more. He leaned closer to the small guy eager to get a better look at what he'd found. 'He's so.. small. Where did he even come from? How did he get in here in the first place and how long has he been here. 'Have I really not noticed a small man living with us up until now?' Evan thought while staring at the small man. "Hey, can you talk?" Evan finally asked after observing him, the man only flinched but said nothing in return to his question. It took everything in him not to just grab him and continue to look him over him, his small arms and hands. He could barely even see his fingers at all. It was like looking at a living breathing doll. The thought almost made him laugh, but this man was no doll obviously. Unless one was brought to life somehow? Considering what Evan was faced with he couldn't exactly rule out any possibilities considering that the small guy was already impossible, to begin with.

The man had with him a small bag that looked to be light brown in color. The rest of his clothing was made from different shades of browns, purples, and grays. It seemed like hours went by while he sat and stared at the small man. The more he stared the more he discovered about him. From the way his bag looked well taken care of, yet also used for a long time. How each little detail in his clothes was almost invisible for him to see, confirming that they were made by him or someone else like him. How his hair was close to those of a normal human haircut. But as time went on he started to notice more than just the simple things. Evan began to take notice that every time he shifted the man seemed to grow stiff and tense his muscles as if preparing himself for something. He saw how tightly the man was holding onto himself as if afraid to let himself go, then the final nail in the coffin.

Evan noticed just how much the man was shaking. 'He's not just scared...He's absolutely terrified' Evan thought to himself as a flash of guilt hit him. "I'm not going to hurt you if that's what you're worried about, just calm down and we can talk, ok?" He said in a quiet tone with a small reassuring smile. But despite all his coaxing the small man refused to speak. Evan soon came to the conclusion that he was incapable or he was too scared at the moment.

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