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As Evan walked out of the apartment building he could feel his heart racing. He tried to walk as slowly and carefully as he could, but still in a way that wouldn't seem suspicious to anyone nearby. He could feel the small weight on his shoulder near his collarbone as he walked. He kept trying to keep steady knowing he had a fragil passenger with him today and that one wrong move could send him tumbling down to the cement ground. Now that wouldn't be good for anyone. A chill went down his spine as he thought of how dangerous this actually was. Evan couldn't believe that he'd let Ben talk him into this. As he slowly began to panic more he felt a small, reassuring, tap on his neck. He spared a glance to his shoulder, but of course he couldn't see Ben. Though it was nice Ben could tell he was feeling anxious about the whole situation.

Ben sat on Evans shoulder, holding the fabric of his hood over himself both for security and for protection against being seen by other humans. He could feel how Evan was panicking, it was hard not too with how he was so close to his pulse at the moment. It was sort of creepy how much detail he could feel just from Even being nervous. He tried his best to calm him down, that being just a small tap to his neck since he couldn't really do anything else at the moment. Thankfully it seemed to work as Evan's pulse became more calm. Ben wasn't doing that great either, however his priority was to try to keep Evan from panicking. Ben could tell that he was worried about him, which he appreciated in a way. He just didn't want Evan to think he needed to protect him all the time. He wasn't incompitent and he could make sure that he didn't see himself. Plus he already had great balance due to climbing all the time, or at least he thought so. Ben pushed those thoughts aside as he took in the view of the world from his human's perspective. His human? He wasn't sure why he phrased it like that, however he did not dwell on that as he looked at the tall buildings that towered over the path they walked. He saw the birds in the sky that at one point were threatening, but now with Evan, they seemed more beautiful than anything. He looked up at the slightly overcast sky as the sun showed through brilliantly and hit his small hands howling the fabric over himself. The freshness of the air was something he didn't think he'd been missing out on, but compared to the stale air of the wall it was heavenly. It was a perfect day, one he'd seen from a window many times but one he never got to experience before. He took in a deep breath as he smiled softly. He looked over to Evan, seeing his green hair shine in the sun from under his brown beanie. He could only see slightly past his jawline from this angle, though he could tell he was still slightly worried.

Evan continued to walk to the store as he steadied his posture and breathing. He hesitated slightly before he opened the door to the grocery store and opened it, feeling the cold air conditioned air hit him almost instantly. He walked in, acutely aware of Ben's presence as he whipped out his phone to look at the list Andrew had sent him. "This shouldn't take long" he said softly to Ben, though to anyone else it would just seem like someone talking to themselves. Not too out of the ordinary for a shopping trip at the very least, just someone trying to remember something they may have forgotten. "If you need anything to point it out, I'll try to get it for you" he said in a voice just above a whisper to Ben.

Ben nodded as he gave Evan a patt to let him know that he'd understood. He looked around the store as he pulled Evans hood closer around himself. There weren't many humans in the store, however, there were still enough to make him feel uneasy. Luckily, he had someone who was looking out for him so if anything he could count on Evan to protect him. He looked at all the food around the store, what looked like miles upon miles of bags and containers of different types of food. Ben couldn't believe how much food humans had that they could just get at any time. They could just walk down the street and get whatever they wanted. It was something he envied. Food was scarce for him and Kris, but that's just the life they lived as borrowers. It's not like they'd gotten a choice about it. He knew humans had a lot of food at their disposal, but he'd never imagined there could be this much. His mouth watered as he saw posters of different types of cake and pastries in one section. In another there were meats of different flavors and types it seemed and he didn't know how to process it. He watched as Evan walked past the lunch meat section and he couldn't resist. He gave Evan a slight jab in the neck, trying to get him to stop walking as he stared at all the different dellikes.

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