Wake up fall

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Ben woke up suddenly when a blaring sound rang out around him. He sleepily curled in on himself as he smacked his hands over his ears. The sound rang out till the ground beneath him shifted and he found himself tumbling down before he hit a soft surface. He groaned as he forced himself to wake up while he quickly rubbed away the tiredness in his eyes to replace that with panic. When he opened his eyes at first he wasn't sure what he was looking at. It was what looked to be a sea of fabric surrounding him with a shadow overcast. He moved himself further into the cloth out of instinct as the thing above him shifted once more, letting the early morning light to blind him for a moment. Ben was about to jump to his feet and try to make a run for it, until he finally filled in the gaps of his memory. He allowed himself to examine the cloth he had hidden in a bit more, now realizing it wasn't just some cloth, it was a sheet. A bed sheet to be more specific. Ben couldn't tell if he was relieved by this information or not. On one hand he knew where he was now, still in Evans room, but on the other hand that meant he hadn't left last night. Ben had accidentally fallen asleep while he and Evan were hanging out the night before. His face grew hot as he buried himself deeper into the sheet.

Evan on the other hand hadn't noticed anything wrong until he'd pressed snooze on his alarm. He was about to lay back down to get a little extra sleep before he had to get up,until he remembered how his guest hadn't gone home last night. He remembered them watching the show after about 5 episodes before he'd asked Ben if he was hungry, only to notice that the little guy had fallen asleep. It was late and Evan knew he should've been in bed anyways since he had a class in the morning. He'd carefully moved Ben to a pillow so he could continue to rest while Evan got ready for bed, but once he returned and Ben was still asleep he just couldn't bring himself to wake him. Evan had ended up moving Ben so that he would be lying on his chest as Evans hands rested over him. Evan looked at his lap to see if Ben was still on the bed. His voice was a bit horse as he spoke, though it often was in the mornings. "Ben? Hey, you still here buddy?" Evan asked softly not to move more than he had to in case Ben was still on the bed somewhere. When he got no response he'd assumed that Ben had gone home sometime during the night like the first time he'd been there. Still Even waited a little before the snooze on his phone went off once more, letting him know that it was time to get up. So, reluctantly Evan forced himself to get out of bed so he could get ready for the day ahead.

When Ben had heard Evan he knew he should have responded, yet the embarrassment he felt got the better of him as he stayed still hoping Evan would just leave and he could pretend this never happened. As he carefully maneuvered himself further away from Evan he felt the bed shift as the human got up off the bead. He could feel the mattress shift underneath him as Evan got off and made his way out of the room. Ben wasn't sure when he'd be back, but he did know that he hadn't heard the door close shut. WIth a sigh he decided the best option was to just hide behind a pillow. The problem was when Evan got off the bed he'd also rearranged the blankets, now no matter where Ben looked he was trapped under what felt like an endless sea of blankets. It didn't seem like a big deal at first, but after a little he began to grow worried of falling off the edge of the bed, and not only that he began to hyperventilate. He kept pushing the blankets out of his face only for them to fall back into place.. It was dark besides the light slightly coming through the cloth. He continued trying to find a way out of the mess before he'd heard someone walk back into the room. He paused, unsure what to do. There was no way for him to know if it was Evan or the other human, but on the other hand he had no idea how he was supposed to get out of here without Evans help unless he wanted it to take forever. Turns out, he didn't have to make the decision at all before suddenly he was fiercely hauled backwards as the blankets over him were stripped away and he was forced to grab hold of the only thing around him. He held a white knuckle grip on the skeets. He willed himself not to scream as he bit the inside of his cheeks. He closed his eyes as he hugged himself tighter to the sheets. He continued holding on as the sheets were shaken this way until he finally his grip on the sheets slipped and he found himself plummeting down to the mattress below. He tumbled further for a few seconds before his body finally came to a stop. Ben quickly looked around frantically to see what had caused all the commotion for him. Ben saw an immense shadow behind him, Turning around he followed up the colossal form of Evan staring back at him with a face full of confusion, then shock, and funnily a look of worry as his mind processed what he was seeing. Once the two eyes locked Ben scrambled back. He could see how Evan's face changed when he did so, he just couldn't help it. Ben gulped as he stared back at Evan, anxiously waiting for something to happen.

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