☁️🐉Up On Stage🐉☁️

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Heyoooo swaggy homesicles 

here's some rockstar au fluff for yall 

lyrics from I Threw Glass at My Friend's Eyes and Now I'm on Probation by Destroy Boys (Shoutout to my music nerd bestie, @okie_hii, bEwArE oF tHe CrAzY mUsIc NerDs AhHhHHh)


now read 

Shirabu POV

"Ayyyy, Kenjiro-kun, what's good?"

I saw a flash of bright red before Tendo's face was right up close to mine. I flinched, smearing liquid eyeliner all over my eyelid. I sighed, mumbling under my breath, "Hey, Satori-san."

"Oya? What's this? Is Saltybu finally trying eyeliner?"

I grumbled, turning back to the mirror in front of me with a wet wipe, trying to clean the make up off of my eyelid. "Trying. This stuff hates me."

"You know, Kenjiro-kun, Semi-Semi is pretty good at eyeliner. You should go ask him to do~ it~ for~ you~" he sung out. 

I rolled my eyes, in the process making the cheap make up smear more. "Ugh. I'd rather never wear it than have that dumbass do it for me."

The bass player put his hand up to his ear in an exaggerated gesture. "Huh? What's that? You want Semi-Semi to do your eyeliner? Oh, how wonderful!" 

"Hey, what? No I didn't-"

"Oh Semi-Semi~"

"Satori-san! You can't just-"

I was cut off by Semi Eita, the main guitarist of our band (and mayyyybeee, just maybbeee, a little bit my crush),  coming up behind me and nonchalantly putting his hand on my head. Butterflies fluttered around in my stomach, but I ignored them. "Shira, that make up is horrid."

"Wow, thanks Semi-san."

"What a coincidence you'd mention that, Semi-Semi. See, Kenjiro-kun here was just going on about how he wants you to do his eyeliner!" 

I glared at Tendo through the mirror, my eyebrows furrowing. "Satori-san, I told you, I never-"

Semi snickered, ruffling my hair and bending down to my level. "How amusing, Saltybu. Can I see that eyeliner?" I reluctantly handed him the black make up, and he examined it. "Shirasalt, how much did this shit cost, like 2 bucks? Here." He pulled something out of his back pocket, opening it. "I mean, it's not expensive, but at least it wont smear. Look at me and close your eyes."

As I turned my head to Semi, I heard Tendo snicker and run away. 'Fuck you, Satori,' I thought. Semi's hand made its way under my chin, he lifted it up slightly and I half closed my eyes. I heard him open the eyeliner, and I felt him drag the brush along my eyelid. My stomach was doing cartwheels inside me, but I just told it to shut the fuck up like I always do when I'm around Semi-san. 

I awkwardly waited for about a 30 seconds, before I hears the guitarist say, "..and done. Way better."

I opened my eyes and looked in the mirror, and oh shit, it looked kinda good. It lined my eye perfectly, and the wings at the ends were perfectly even as well. I looked at Semi in the mirror, and for a second, I thought I saw his cheeks turn pink, but whatever. It was probably my imagination. 

"Uh, t-thanks, dipshit."

Semi dramatically put his hand to his heart and said, "That's the nicest fucking thing you've said to me!"

I flipped my head away from him, hiding my pink cheeks. "Shut up, before I take it back."

"Yoo hoo~ Kenji-chan! Eita-chan!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2021 ⏰

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