Chapter 29

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"Roach- Roach come on-!" Archer's voice cuts through my dreams. He's shaking me lightly trying to get me up.

My eyes blink lazily before focusing on him, "What..? I was trying to sleep unlike you."

Archer gasps a bit too dramatically for me. As far as I care, it's early morning even though it's probably not.

"I don't know Roach, I have seen him sleep a few times since we've been up," Ghost interjects making Archer and I look over to him. A small grin is on his face as he's shuffling his way over to me. He's leaning a bit too heavily on this cane Archer and Toad got for him. It has silver designs over it and a skull where you hold it. They claimed "it's perfect for our ghost" which, admittedly, had us laugh.

"See! I do sleep! But- come on Roach- you gotta get up!" Archer pulls on my arm. "Toad is taking us Christmas shopping with one of the soldiers here. It'll be fun!"

"Christmas shopping...? It's already Christmas?" I ask, slowly sitting up. A hand goes over my chest. I've been able to, almost, fully heal from the bullet wound. Some bandages still linger here and there but I'm at least able to move around. That is, if I'm not sleeping every other second. I've been exhausted since waking up, and these guys refuse to let me sleep for as long as I want. Ghost is especially bad about it.

"Nope. Not till next week. Though some of the 'Ghosts' here have said we can head home. So, I decided we're going to your place." Ghost hands me my own cane. Nothing too fancy, not like his.

"Oh... wait what?! My place- you-"

"I know you're Mum has been worried. No contact and a possible KIA notice... you should get her somethin' nice for breaking her heart, mate."

"It'd be the only way to help her feel better-" Archer starts only to get cut off by a light glare by me. He puts his arms up. "I'm just sayin'- it'd be a good way to show back up. You can't just go home with nothing."

"He's right, Roach. Now come on. That 'Ghost' is waiting." Ghost starts to hobble his way to the door. Archer quickly goes after to try to help him, only to get a glare. It's strange to see the full range of Ghost's expressions. His mask was revoked, so to speak, until he's fully recovered.

I work up the strength to follow Ghost. Archer follows behind me, though ends up falling behind Ghost and I. "You sure you're okay to go Ghost? I feel like you've been pushing yourself."

His eyes shift to look me over. This soft smile comes over his face, though it almost looks crooked due to the scars over his mouth. He has one along the side of his face too, one that starts at his temple and is dragged down. Ghost is handsome. I'll never understand why he wears that mask so much. His mouth opens a little but he looks away, not saying a word. We shuffle on, soon getting to where the civi cars are housed.

A man is waiting for us. He's Ghost's height, with a fully shaved head, some stubble, and this lightly annoyed look on his face. "Bout time, almost thought you all didn't wanna go."

An eye roll comes from Ghost, "Oh since you have so many places to be. Impatient. You young soldiers have no respect for us elders."

"Wait. Elders? If anyone's an "elder" it'd be you, you're the one pushing thirty-eight." I laugh lightly, nudging him so gently. I am lightly worried he'd fall over if I put any more effort into it. "So... can't say you and I have met. You can just call me Roach."

"Merrick." The man replies. He shifts to open one of the cars doors. "Come on, you old men." A small smile forms at the corner of his lips.

Ghost mutters an "old men" before shuffling to the car. It takes him a minute but he safely gets in. Archer hops into the back seat with me. Ghost looks out the window as Merrick pulls out of the garage type area. He drives us out, leading us away from base. It seems we're on some U.S. Marine base. There's others doing drills, setting up courses, and even playing basketball. It reminds me of our base, before all this had happened. Ghost and I normally set up the courses that Price and Soap had planned. We ran like a well oiled machine and I'm really hoping those that died are at peace.

"When do you think we'll hear from 'em?" Ghost questions. It doesn't sound like the first time he's asked the question either.

"Not sure, sir." Merrick responds, very much respecting Ghost now that it's serious. He almost seems worried, lingering on other words. Silence fills the car again before Merrick glances over to Ghost. "They are safe. Elias said they'd finally stop by soon. Not sure when soon is though. I'm... sorry, sir."

"Soon..." Ghost repeats.

"Ah... so Merrick? Where are we going? I think my mum would like a new dressing gown. She stays at home a lot... and I could go get my brother a new football..." I trail off, thinking of what Mum and Cal must be doing. They have to be worried still. Mum might of locked herself in her room. Cal and Kristy would probably be looking over her. Three months is a long time for Mum. "Do they know?"

Merrick stops. He musta said where we're going but I didn't hear. "Who?"

"My mum. She knows I'm alive right?"

"I... don't know. That'd be a question for Elias... I can bring you to him once we get back."

"Why don't you know. That sounds like something you'd know for a lieutenant." Ghost scoffs a little.

"New lieutenant, sir. We... took our own heavy hits within the past year. Elias is barely a captain. Only promoted for 'formality's sake'. We... are in some disarray after our precious captain died. So I don't know. Okay?"

Ghost shifts a little, glancing back to me. I shift and pat Merrick's soldier. "I'm sorry. Thank you for taking time out to take us out. I appreciate it."

Merrick offers a small nod in return. Looking at him again, taking in the new knowledge of their situation. He looks tired. Exhausted even. Now I can assume Elias had forced him to take a break. I know it's not easy to be suddenly promoted. Ghost took on his series of stress when Price was gone. No telling it's worse knowing the captain won't ever come back.

The rest of the ride to the store is quiet. Ghost ends up disappearing somehow, at some point, only to come back with a few bags in his hand. We went to a mall to make it easy and, to my luck, I was able to find some things my family would like. Even a little something for Ghost too. I'm not sure when we'll see Price and Soap, though I know I owe them drinks once I see them. I'm glad they were unharmed, glad that they'll come back and see us.

Going back home, we're a bit more talkative. Merrick seems to of destressed a little. Him and Archer ended up going off and leaving me. I told them I'd be okay alone, which was good for me. We needed to get out, but I think what we really need is this war to be over.

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