Chapter 10

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Gibbs looked at me with a sad smile. "You know I can't do that, kid. You need to rest. You have been shot for Christ's sake!"

"You don't understand!  I am a sitting duck here! One of Raphael's guys will come here and try to kill me or Mossad will send someone to pick me up... I can't go back to Israel, they think I killed those agents." Okay yes, technically I did kill some agents, but they were trying to kill me...

Gibbs crossed his arms, his face contorted in annoyance. "As long as you are in question for our investigation no one from Mossad can take you back to Israel.  We will also have an agent at your door at all times, okay?"

I stared at Gibbs for a long time. I knew this argument would get nowhere.  To be honest that was fine, I could stay here and let someone else do all the work for once; hell this could work out well for me. Besides if things get to hairy I can slip out and disappear.  "Fine..."

"Good. Let us do our job, kid." Gibbs turned and started to walk out of the hospital room.

I called out to stop him. "You said we needed to talk!"

Gibbs spun on his heel and shrugged it off. "Later, you need to rest and I need to catch a killer. " With that said Gibbs turned and walked briskly out of the room.

Are you kidding me? It's my job too! Yeah I may be a kid,  but I worked for Mossad! I am trained to do all of this crap and then some.

I have been dealing with all of this hell for the past six months and he just wants me to walk away --er, lay here-- like it's no big deal? This all ruined my life. Raphael took the only thing I could hold fast to and ripped it from my grasp. I can't just walk away from all of this, I can't just let them handle it! I need to finish this and see it through to the end.

You don't tell me to just kick back and rest...


*3rd Person POV *

Tony and Mcgee made it back to NCIS and rode the elevator up. They stood in awkward silence,  Tony aggravated with Mcgee for not telling him what was going on. He understood where he was coming from, but they were a team and teammates talk to eachother.  Yeah, Mcgee hadn't been able to confirm everything, but at least share the concerns regarding Raphael.  They left Ziva with the guy for Pete's sake.

Part of Tony hoped that Avivi was spitting lies and trying to save her own skin, that would make it all so much easier.  At this point it is all he said-she said and they have to figure out who was lying. He felt for the kid, but she was the one in the bad position.  She is already wanted in Israel for murder and treason, why should they believe her?

"Do you think she is telling the truth, Mcgee?" Tony glanced over at his co-worker.

Mcgee consider all the odds. "I don't know,  part of me does. I mean... She is just a kid, Tony. She is a scared kid being accused of murder, but..."

"...but Raphael warned that considering her a kid would be dangerous and that we shouldn't underestimate her..."

Mcgee sighed. "Exactly.  I want to believe what she says, but everything points to her. It also doesn't help that she did start killing people after she was accused. So, even if she is innocent of those murders... How are we to know?  She was able to kill the ones that we know about, so why not the others?"

"Well, the others were out of cold blood because they found out too much. The ones we know about for sure, they were killed out of defense and self preservation."

The elevator dinged, signalling that it had reached their floor.

"We won't know for sure until we have all the information." Mcgee stated dryly,  walking away and heading towards the bullpen. 

Raphael was sitting at Mcgee's desk, absent-mindedly looking at his phone. He heard the elevator ding-- signalling that someone had gotten on to the floor--  but he only glanced up to acknowledge those arriving.

Raphael's eyes met Tony's and he knew something was different.  He had been able to tell from the beginning that Tony didn't like him very much, but this was different and he figured that the agent didn't mean to show his emotions so much. The agent's eyes burned with distrust and worry. 

"Did you talk to the girl?" Ziva asked the men as they entered the bullpen.

Mcgee walked over to his desk and looked at Raphael expectantly. "Yes, but she shared some interesting information. It was kind of funny how she had an awful lot to say about you Raphael..."

"... It's a lot funnier how she said a lot of the same stuff you said about her... Care to elaborate for us? Maybe clear some stuff up?" Tony asked Raphael.

Raphael looked at the two and knew he had no choice. He couldn't just up and leave, he was going to have to deal with this. He was going to have to talk his way out of this one. All he could do was hope that he could be more convincing than Avivi had been. "Yes, of course."

Hey guys and gals. I know it has been a while since I have been able to update but thank you for being so dedicated.  I hope you enjoyed this little chapter.  There is more to come.

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