Chapter 9

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*3rd person POV*

It took only ten minutes for the ambulance that had been called to get to the bar. The people who had found Avivi had gotten some paper towels from inside the bar to put pressure on her bleeding shoulder. They were working to get the bleeding under control, concerned for the stranger's life.

Once the ambulance arrived, the paramedics took over caring for Avivi. After they managed to get the gun shot wound covered, they got the girl into the bus and rushed off to the hospital. A police cruiser arrived not a minute after the ambulance left and the officers from inside it were working to find out what exactly had happened. The people, who Avivi had collapsed in front of, of course had no clue what was going on and were not very helpful with the situation.

As always the police had to file a report on what they had found. This report included the injuries that they were aware of and a description of the girl. The ambulance had left before they got there so the police were unable to get her finger prints to find out who the mystery girl was. Though a certain group of people were looking for her exact description.

It is only a matter of time before that group of people find her now.


"Boss, I've got something!" Tony called out as he sat his phone onto his desk.

Everyone in the bullpen looked up at Tony, who was grabbing his suit coat. "What is it, DiNozzo?" Gibbs asked from his desk.

Tony grabbed his gun and put it into his holster at his side. "The police just filed a report of a girl found with gun shot wounds. She matches Avivi's description."

Raphael's face twisted with confusion. He didn't think it would be this easy to find Avivi. He was sure that she would get by with basic supplies and show back up to kill him. He was hoping that this would at least be a fair little game. "Are you sure?"

Tony glared at Raphael. He didn't like the guy, but he knew that Raphael was the expert on all things Avivi and he would put up with him if it meant Ziva would be safe. "Yes, I am sure."

"Mcgee, you and Tony come with me to go and check it out." Gibbs stated as he stood up.

"You need any help?" Raphael asked as he stood up.

"We have this under control." Gibbs said as he led them to the elevator. "You need to stay here and watch Ziva. Make sure that no one tries anything. Just in case." With that said the trio left in a hurry, all going to find out if this girl was the one they were looking for.


*Avivi's POV*

"Hey, kiddo." A young man said looking down at me.

I looked up from my lap and smiled at Raphael. "When did you get here?"

"Not too long ago...Are you okay?" Raphael sat down in the chair beside me and put a protective hand on my shoulder.

I nodded to Raphael. "Yeah. I just got  grazed is all." I showed him the bandage on my arm.

"You're lucky. It could have been a lot worse for your first job." Raphael stood up and held out his hand. "You ready to go?"



You must be wondering why I would dream about this. Or why I would dream of Raphael for that matter.

This may come as a shock to you. It shocks me too, even coming from my own mouth. I used to be close to Raphael. I was already good when Mossad picked me up, but I need to know how to do more then just kill and survive. Raphael was one of the few that was willing to work with me and help me out. It pains me that everything turned out like it did. I wish things could have gone differently.

Forced To Kill *NCIS Fan-Fiction*Where stories live. Discover now