Chapter 7

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*3rd Person POV*

'Don't trust Raphael. ~Raven'

McGee stared at the email that was displayed on his screen. Who is this Raven? Why shouldn't they trust Raphael?

McGee considered all his options. He could reply to the email, and try to find out what is really going on. He could also tell the team or maybe just Gibbs about the email. Telling the team is what protocol states he should do, but at the same time... The email says to not trust Raphael, if McGee tells them then Raphael is sure to find out.

McGee struggled greatly with this before finally deciding what his course of action should be. Screw protocol. Sometimes you just have to go around the rules... All McGee can do now is hope that this is the right choice.

McGee brought his hand down on top of the computer mouse and guided the cursor across the screen. His mind racing with questions as he did so. The cursor floated over the 'reply' button for a moment as it awaited for further instructions. McGee left clicked on the mouse and a new window opened up on his screen. McGee bit the inside of his cheek as he finally went through with his decision, hoping he wouldn't regret this later on.

'Who is this?'

McGee typed up his generic reply and started to have second thoughts. This could really come back on him. He could get in serious trouble for doing this... Or worse, he could lose his job. Before he could doubt himself anymore, McGee quickly clicked the send button and sighed. There was no going back now.

The reply to McGee's message came quicker then he anticipated. He wasn't very surprised by what had been sent back, but then again... Who is he to complain?

'I am the person who is going to help you out. It seems to me that you could use a helping hand. ~Raven'

This 'Raven' seemed to be a bit off to McGee, but they are correct. They are getting nowhere with what they have, and Raphael seems to be sending them in circles.

'What do you know?'

The reply came almost immediately, this person could type pretty fast...

'I know more than you. I know that you had a laptop with information. I also know that the laptop was wiped clean by someone. You won't get anywhere without that information. I have a good idea who is behind all of this... ~Raven'

McGee stared at his screen debating on how he could reply to that message. How could he be sure that he can trust what this Raven is saying? Then again... How does Raven know about the laptop? This information that Raven claims to have could be very helpful. It's not like McGee would have to actually use any of it... But it would be nice to have a little more to work with...

'How do I know if I can trust you?'

McGee was a little stunned by the bluntness of the next reply, but this Raven sure did have a good point...

'You don't have any other choice. If you don't trust me then you won't get anywhere, you could try tracking my IP address but I assure you that you will get nowhere by doing so. You need my help if you want to know what is really going on.'

Someone in the bullpen called out for McGee, snapping his attention from his computer. McGee looked up to see Tony staring at him expectantly. "What?"

"I asked if you were getting anywhere with the corrupted files, we could really use some more information, Mcgeek. You seem pretty focused on whatever you are typing away at." Tony stated dryly. He had no time to play games or screw around. Not when Ziva's life could be on the line.


Another message was received by McGee's computer and the email box popped up on his screen. "I'm working on it, Tony. I don't really have much to work with here..."

Tony sighed and looked back at his own work, wishing they were farther along by now. McGee looked over at Raphael and found that Raphael was already watching him carefully. McGee forced himself to look away and down at the email he had received.

'Attached to this is all of the files that had been on the laptop. I am hoping that you can be trusted to do the right thing with this information. No one needs to know how you got ahold of this information. No one needs to know about this conversation. Tell them you fixed the files. Be careful around Raphael... You will understand why soon enough. Good luck to you. ~Raven'

McGee clicked on the attached file and his screen filled with documents, files, photographs, and everything else you could think of. All the information that they needed filled his computer screen right then and there... Only everything felt too easy to him. It was never this simple.

McGee once again skimmed through the countless files and information until he came across something extremely shocking...


*Avivi's POV*

My fingers danced across the buttons on my phone's touch screen in their own unique dance. My mind raced with all the things that could go wrong by doing this. Can I really trust this guy? What if he goes straight to Raphael? Everything would be lost again... All of this would be for nothing.

I can't exactly waltz into NCIS and tell them myself. They would never believe me over Raphael, not after all the things I am sure he has put into their heads. I have no choice but to trust this man's judgement. Maybe he will get it right. Maybe he will be able to put it all together...


Hey there readers. I know it has been a while since I updated last. I also know it has been a while since I been on Wattpad at all. This is not the best of chapters, and not the longest. I apologize for that.... And my absence. I have to get back into the groove of this story. I still don't have the money for the new computer but I'm halfway there. I should have rest sometime next month though.

Thanks for reading guys and gals.

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