Chapter 5

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*Avivi's POV*

Have you ever tried to sow up your own gun shot wounds with nothing more than a needle and thread? I think not. Now before you go and get yourself shot so that you can see just how this would feel, let me tell you something. DON'T BE AN IDIOT. It's not like I got myself shot on purpose and I am pretty sure that you did not get the same training as I did.

I was taught how to do this. I was taught how to patch up my own wounds when I have very little resources. If I had the option of safely being able to go to a hospital.. Ah hell, I would have gone. Believe me, but personally I do not feel like being killed today. I mean I already got shot at once today, going somewhere like a hospital would get me killed for sure. They would probably drug me up and strap me down. That is not exactly a good thing. I would be in a very compromising position if I did that.

Now I am not completely crazy, I disinfected the wound and the needle as best as I could. I will be in bad shape if I get an infection. If that happens I will have no choice but to go to a hospital. If the infection got too bad it could kill me. At that point I would be willing to take my chances, not that I'd have any other choices.

I am sure you are wondering what I could be doing at this point. Are you on the edge of your seat dying to know where the hell I am? Let me tell you this. I DO NOT KNOW WHERE I AM. The last thing I remember is going to the pharmacy. I am not even joking. I guess that drug did more to me then I first thought. Or maybe I lost a lot more blood then I realized. Point is, I am currently in a warehouse. I don't know where this place is or how I got here...

I guess I had passed out when I got here, how did I get my wounds patched up? I did that when I finally woke up, who the hell knows what kind of bacteria got into them while I was out. This is not good. I would have to say that now is the worst time for me to be having trouble remembering. I could have been followed, or someone could have recognized me. Raphael could be on his way here right now to finish me off himself.

Honestly why didn't Raphael come to get me himself? Was he afraid that I would lay him out like last time? Why didn't he just have the guy shoot me point blank? He had found me when I was sleeping and yet waited for me to wake up before he attacked. Did he want to have a little bit of a challenge? Maybe work for his kill and have a little fun? Don't get me wrong, I am glad the guy didn't just shoot me in my sleep. Had he done that I would be dead right now. Hell I should have died a long time ago.

Something in my pocket buzzed and startled me. Don't laugh. If you were in my shoes, the slightest thing could set you on edge. I may be trained to handle these kind of situations, but that doesn't trump the fact that I am just a kid. I can be scared and paranoid... When I am alone... Only when I am alone.

I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket with my right arm. Yes, I am right handed. Thankfully it was my left side that got shot at. Then again that is kind of to be expected, considering your heart is on the left side of your chest. Moving on! I flipped open my phone, at first I wasn't actually paying attention to my cellular device. Cut me some slack, I am half out of it here. I almost died people.

My phone buzzed in my hand and I took note of the alerts on the touch screen... Wait what? My phone was flashing two warning lights and I quickly pressed a few keys on my cell, my mind now completely alert and ready. The first warning was signalling that someone was remotely accessing my laptop, well at least they were trying to... My fingers danced across my screen with ease and familiarity as I traced the source of whoever was attempting to access my systems.

After a lot of hacking and firewall dodging I was relieved to find that someone in NCIS had my computer and not Raphael. Okay, color me pink, but they will not be finding anything without a little assistance. These are the good guys right? If I destroy my own firewalls, maybe they can help me with my mission to expose Raphael... What's the worst they could do? Destroy everything on it and call it a day... Well I have everything on my other cell phone remember.

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