Chapter 12

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Raphael laughed at Gibbs' comment, "Why in the world would I need to instill doubt?" He leaned back in his chair again and played his words carefully.  "I've got nothing to hide. You guys have all the evidence after all. Everything points to Avivi. She attacked us when we were sent to go and stop her and I barely survived. What more do you need?"

"You keep saying that you were... SENT... to stop her. Why is that? When I look at what Mossad sent us regarding her case... You and your team were not sent to stop Avivi. In fact Mossad was unaware of an investigation regarding Avivi until you were attacked. Avivi wasn't even considered a suspect on the other murders until after that incident. What more do YOU need to know?" Gibbs stated as he slid a file across the table.

Raphael picked it up and looked at its contents. "Is this a joke?" 

"You tell me."


Carlos Rivera walked quickly through the entrance of a large hospital. He did not hesitate to walk briskly past the main reception desk, not stating a word to anyone. 

A woman, who had sat behind the large counter-like desk, jumped to her feet and called after the unknown man. "Sir! You can't just walk in here!"

Carlos flicked his wrist revealing a badge and continued on his way, leaving a baffled nurse in his wake. He stepped into an elevator just before the doors could close, joining an elderly couple with an 'it's a boy' balloon. He smiled politely at the couple, probably soon-to-be grandparents, and rode up the shaft of the elevator with them until the cramped metal box got to floor two, the pediatrics ward. 

His stop came at floor three, where his destination was supposed to be. He saw an officer standing at attention outside of a room and immediately knew he was in the right place. The officer's eyes met his and Carlos quickly approached him. Another flick of his wrist gave him access to the hospital room. 

Avivi Jager looked to the door when Carlos entered and visibly trembled. "What are you doing here?"

"Avivi... We need to talk."


"You've got this all wrong, agent." Raphael leaned across the table bearing the look of a desperate man. "I did not kill those men! Avivi did!"

Gibbs stood up from the table quickly. "Really, and how am I supposed to believe that when in fact You are the one that Mossad has been investigating. They know what you have been doing, Raphael. They have always known, they only needed the proof. They needed you to slip up and you did... Big time." 

Raphael shook his head aggressively, his once calm demeanor now completely melted away into nonexistence. "What are you talking about?"

"They needed you to believe that Avivi was under question after the incident and so they sent you to find her. Why else would they send the person she attacked? They needed proof that you were the one killing agents and that you were the one leaking information. To do that they needed you to believe that you weren't the one being questioned. They couldn't just have you look for Avivi, they had to make sure that Avivi thought she was really being hunted down. A risky move on their part, but I suppose it did work out in the end. Thankfully Avivi will recover." 

"I-I-I don't understand." Raphael stuttered, running his hands through his hair. 

"You were played, Raphael. They knew you wouldn't be able to resist taking out the only person who could expose you. They couldn't just bring her in at first because it would be your word against hers, and that could only go so far. That would be risking too much, no they needed real proof, solid proof. They were taken aback by Avivi's actions; they did not expect her to go after you, but she did and that apparently made you sweat under your collar. You lashed out and tried to take her out, very unsuccessfully at that. That is where you messed up, Raphael."

"W-W-W-Wha... How?"

"We could follow your bread crumbs. I had a talk with Ziva before I came here and she had some interesting information, add to that what Avivi had gathered over time... That's one coin that's not flipping in your favor. We checked the home of the petty officer you sent to kill Avivi and..."

"I did no such thing! I came to find Avivi not kill her!" 

"He had info on you at his home, Raphael. He wasn't going to let you pin the murder on him if things went south, but if you had tried to then he had stuff to take you down too. He did his research and what he had found can help us back up what Avivi had and has told us. You're going away, Raphael." Gibbs began to walk towards the door.

Raphael jumped from his seat. "What about Avivi!? She killed those men!"

"Mossad is claiming responsibility for all of her actions; while violent and out of hand, those who were killed were a threat to national security. Besides, the only proof we have of her maybe killing them is your word... and to be honest, at this point that doesn't stand for much."


Avivi looked at Carlos, her face twisted in pain and confusion. "You used me as bait?"

Carlos looked away sheepishly. He knew that he should have advised Mossad against it, but it had been their only real plan of action. If they could convince Raphael he wasn't being questioned then maybe he would have let his guard down and slipped up. He had, but Carlos wondered if the risk was really worth it. Avivi could have been killed in their plan and she never even knew it was all a plan to begin with. She was lucky, lucky to be alive and lucky to be in the clear. "I know it sounds crazy..."

"Crazy? I have been being hunted down by Raphael for months! Months! I have been thinking that I wouldn't get out of this alive, that I would be marked as a traitor and killer for life. I would say that is more than crazy, that is just insane! How could you ever think that it would be okay? I could have been killed!"

Carlos looked back at her, trying to explain. "We had no other options..."

"Is that supposed to make me feel better? I feel so great knowing that me potentially dying was your only option."

"It's not like that..."

Avivi looked away from the man she had trusted and respected. "Forget it. There is no changing the past now, but after all of this? Do they really expect me to come back? How do I know they won't pull something like this again?"

"You can't know... You don't have to come back. You can not come back and be a normal kid. You could get a normal job..."

Avivi cut him off. "Normal? How can I pretend to be normal? I have nowhere else to go, Carlos. This is all I know, as much as I hate to say it... I have to go back." She hesitated. "I have to make sure nothing like this ever happens again."


Hey guys and gals. Well, Avivi was bait in Mossad's game of chess against Raphael. A risky move that barely played in their favor. Let me know what you think.

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