Chapter 1 - Beginning of a New Lifestyle

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You were once sociable.

But, of course, you were a kid then.

When your father died unexpectedly, you had to grow up rather quickly and become a full country. You missed your father- very much. There wasn't a day that went by that you didn't think about his voice, the way he made you feel like you would always be his little girl (Y/N).

You also didn't want to be hurt again like that. So, you silently went into isolation when he died. You supposed that the other countries didn't suspect anything, as they never tried to bother you. You didn't know many other countries to begin with, so it worked well.

The only person you talked to was your boss, who finished raising you after your deceased father. He taught you how to take care of yourself by teaching you poise, intelligence, wisdom, stealth, and self-defense in the compound you called home. He also helped your country to advance their technology, to which you were grateful.

Because of the technological advancements that were, in your boss's mind, "far beyond that of any country," you were given a special bracelet and miniature purse when you became older. The bracelet was made of dark grey metal that fit your wrist perfectly, and your miniature purse was made of chain-mail the same material as your bracelet. The bracelet held the ability to morph into any desired weapon (which you immediately tested to materialize a sword), and the purse instantaneously constructed throwing knives and arrows.

Lastly, you were given a dark grey cloak with a hood, and silver metallic cord that latched the cloak together at your neck. Fascinated with the feel of the soft material, you put it on, to watch it cascade down to right above your ankles.

"(Y/N), I want you to keep these things with you at all times for protection," your boss stated. "I'm going to let you venture outside the compound and into the world, and you are well prepared- but do not show your face or give your name to anyone. I don't think coming out of isolation so abruptly would be wise."

"Thank you. I understand," you replied.

Although your boss never gave you his name, you knew your boss cared for you like you were his daughter. He just had a colder way of showing it than your father. For you though, that was perfectly fine- you didn't want to give affection anyways. No attachment = no pain. Besides, he's your boss, so whether or not you agreed with him, his orders are your actions.

"One more thing, (Y/N)," your boss called to you. "If you are ever caught by someone, do everything in your power to escape, but you must escape with your weapons."

You didn't question him- just simply gave an "understood" to him.

And so, with your gear, you quietly ventured to a small town near the compound.

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