Chapter 2 - Why

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The road to town was a long gravel one that extended through a dense forest. You looked through the woods as you walked, enjoying their serenity.

Suddenly, you heard a loud and somewhat obnoxious yell. Wanting to figure out what it came from, you ducked behind a bush on the side of the path.

As you looked into the clearing on the side of the path, you noticed a white haired man being choked by a guy with blonde hair, a childish smile, and what appeared to be a surrounding dark purple aura.

You felt pity for the white haired man, and wanted to help him. Your boss's words still rang in your ears though, reminding you to not reveal your face or your name. If you were going to help the man, you had to come up with a plan- quickly.

Immediately, you realized the best way to do this was to create a diversion and get the blonde man away from the grey haired man. Turning your bracelet into a bow, you reached for an arrow while quietly climbing the nearest tree like you had learned in the compound.

When you assured you were concealed in the treetop, you shot a singular arrow up into the sky so that no one could see where the arrow was coming from. You silently crouched in the tree as you watched the arrow fall directly down to the earth and into the line of sight of the blonde man.

The man gave a slight jump, and you could tell he had lessened his grip on the white haired man's throat. All he had to do was release the man- which he did.

You watched the white haired man roll onto his side, then watched his red eyes grow wide as the realization that he was no longer being throttled hit him like a train. He quickly pulled himself up, and dashed into the forest.

Your focus then flickered back to the blonde man. He turned around to see that the white haired man had left- and didn't try to look around for him. The man simply walked back to the path as if nothing happened, and from what you could see, headed towards the town.

Realizing the ordeal was finished, you hopped down from the tree and made your bow become a bracelet again. As you hit the ground though, you heard something rustling in a nearby bush.

Grabbing a knife from your chain-mail bag expecting the worst, you slowly approached the bush, to which the white haired man's head popped out from in between a couple branches.

"Mein Gott, I've already been through enough today- can't you just let me go?"

You stood there in shock for a moment before warily returning your knife back to the bag, realizing the man was already too exhausted to attack you.

He pulled himself out from underneath the bush and stood up.

"So you shot the arrow... Thanks for that," he stated while brushing himself off. You couldn't help but detect an accent.

Not knowing what to do, you simply nodded your head, then turned to walk back to the compound. You weren't about to head into the town- not if his attacker was there.

"My name is the awesome Prussia!" The man (quite obnoxiously) yelled. "What's yours?"

With your boss's statement echoing in your mind, you decided to act like you didn't hear him.

"Hey! I am talking to you!"

Quickening your gait by the slightest bit, you continued to walk. You heard the rustle of leaves behind you, and assumed that he had simply taken the hint and left.

That man was not about to leave you alone.

You suddenly became aware of your cloak being ripped off, to which you immediately spun around, coming face to face with the red-eyed "Prussia."

You stood there in shock for a moment, terrified.

"Du bist eine Mädchen..." He choked out, staring at your face and long (H/C) hair, which had previously been neatly tucked into the hood of your cloak.

Recovering from your shock, you immediately grabbed your cloak from his hands, running away while putting it on at the same time- leaving the man behind in shock.

"Du bist eine Mädchen" - you're a girl

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