Chapter 17 - Apologies

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After two days of travel, you and Ludwig made it across the border. Along the way, you learned that he never actually wanted to go to war or to kill people- he only did it because it was his orders, and it affected him deeply as well. You never thought you would ever see him cry, but what he endured was enough to make anyone cry. Of course, you comforted him when he did cry, but it shocked you as well.

After you crossed the border, the two of you went to his house since there was no where else to go. Once you arrived, you were instantly greeted by the Axis and Prussia.

As soon as Ludwig opened the door to his home, an excited Italy ran out of the door and hugged the two of you as Prussia tried to strike a conversation with you on what happened. You briefly explained it to him as Italy held you and Ludwig.

"I'm so-a glad you're both back! Now things won't be so quiet!" Italy exclaimed. You gave a slight laugh and slightly returned his hug. It felt good to smile. Even Ludwig seemed okay with the hug.

As you entered behind Ludwig and Italy, Japan was also standing near the door. He gave a quick smile and a nod of his head, which you returned.

"Germany and (Y/C/N), there's a world conference in an hour, and I believe that it would be wise for us all to attend."

"Right," Ludwig nodded. You had a split second of fear course through your body- you didn't want to face the men who threw you out of the plane. You covered it as quickly as possible and straightened yourself. Walking back out the front door behind Japan and Italy to the car, you mentally prepared yourself to face them. They were going to see you stronger than ever.

"Let's go!" Italy cheered as he jumped in the driver's seat. You saw a strange look wash over Japan's face as Ludwig quickly ran and pulled Italy out of the seat.

"NEIN! I will drive!" He commanded. Italy slightly cowered, then moved into the back seat next to you. Germany sat in the driver's seat and turned on the car. It was going to be an interesting car ride.


After a lively car ride, the four of you arrived at a large building which you assumed was the meeting place. You found it odd how the location changed with each meeting.

Trying to mask your fear and keeping your promise to your father, you held your head a little higher than usual and walked in the building ahead of the others to see the members of the former Allies conversating in various places around the room. They all turned and looked at you. You continued striding confidently across the main room and reached for a bottle of water on a table. You were glad that your act was working, but in all honestly, you were mentally shaking in your boots.

"Dudette, you're back! I'm so sorry for what happened!" you heard a voice behind you say as a hand clasped your shoulder. You flinched, covertly grabbed a knife from your purse, and whipped around.

"America, you and Russia threw me out of an airplane- not stepped on my toe, for heaven's sake!" you coolly stated as you kept the knife hidden, pushing his hand away. "Don't ever touch me again."

With that, you walked away and replaced your knife, leaving a wide-eyed America behind. You heard heavy footsteps behind you as he ran around in front of you to make you stop walking.

"Please, (Y/C/N)!" he begged, tears forming in the corner of his eyes. "Do you think I actually wanted to hurt you? I had orders to do that- not only from England, but my boss as well! You're a friend to me! I never wanted to hurt you!"

You sighed and closed your eyes, understanding how orders could go against what you wanted to do. You previously considered him to be a friend anyways.

"Alright," you whispered in an attempt to make him not cry and appease him. At this word, he widely beamed through his tears.

"Really?" he inquired.

"That's what I said," you stated. It felt nice to have him as a friend once more, but you reminded yourself not to let your guard down on him. If he ever pulled a stunt like that again, you would be prepared.

"Cool dudette! I'll see you around!" He then ran off. You slightly laughed at his odd character.

Looking around the room, your eyes made contact with a pair of green ones- which you immediately recognized as England's. You turned away from him and started to look for Ludwig. If something happened, you wanted to have someone to fight with you instead of against you.

"Hello, Miss (Y/C/N), it's nice to see you in good shape," you heard an accented voice say behind you.

"I'm sorry," you turned and spoke to England's smiling face as you stared daggers at him, "I don't really have time to deal with you right now."

He looked taken aback as you turned away and walked down a side hallway in an attempt to get away from him.


You sped up your pace and ignored him. Hearing England's footsteps getting closer, you turned down another side hallway and ducked into a storage closet.

You heard the footsteps stop outside of the closet and you held your breath. You heard the knob of the door turning and you bent your knees, ready to act.

The door opened and you immediately swung your leg upward to kick England across the face, and he ducked and missed it.

"(Y/C/N)! I'm not going to hurt you!" he exclaimed in shock.

"Well, you lied last time, so how can I trust your words this time?!" you claimed as you pounced and pinned him to the ground of the hallway, your long (H/C) brushing against his face as you gritted your teeth.

"It was war! I had no choice!" he agitatedly yelled back at you as he managed to push you off. He stood up and closed his eyes to regain his composure. "I don't care if you forgive me- I simply came to apologize."

You sat on the floor of the hallway and watched him begin to walk away.

"I forgive you," you spoke. "That doesn't mean that I'll forget what happened though."

He abruptly stopped, turned and smiled at you, then walked away.

Maybe things aren't too bad after all.


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