Chapter 7 - America...?

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As you walked down the hall to the room you were given in Germany's house, a realization hit you like a truck: These three men probably think they've got you wrapped around their fingers.

"No, I can't allow that- but what would happen if I did? Maybe if I acted like I was trustworthy... They would give me back my weapons and I could flee," you thought. "Germany and Japan aren't that stupid though- they'd probably see right through my little plan. I've got to find a way out of here."

You headed out of your room and back down the hall, and as you passed by Germany's office, you heard him call your name. You poked your head in through his door in response, which had been previously cracked open.

He was sitting at his desk, intently focused and writing on a piece of paper. You could see his focus by his furrowed brows and white-knuckled grip on his pencil.

"Sit down," he demanded without looking up from what he was doing.

You slowly walked in the office and sat on the edge of the chair in front of his desk, ready for anything. You weren't completely helpless without your weapons. He finished writing and looked up to address you.

"I need for you to fill out some paperwork," he stated, looking at you with his piercingly blue eyes.

"Paperwork? Why?" You warily questioned.

"America is having a world conference in his country, und since Japan, Italy, and I have to attend, you'll be going with us. You can't stay here alone as a prisoner because there will be no one to watch you. It's mandatory for you anyways since you're a country too."

You didn't know who America was, or where it was for that matter. He piled some papers and shoved them at you across the desk.

"I will need these to be filled out by the end of the day. It's for your passport."

Without a word, you took the papers from his hand and stood.

"If that's all, I'll be leaving."

"That's everything."

Walking out of his office, you were deep in thought once more.

"This "America" could be my ticket out of here! What if I make friends with another country and they help me to get my weapons back and escape? Would they even be that considerate? If so, what would Germany do if he found out they were helping me? I know he has a military sense. He might hurt them- I don't want anyone to get hurt on account of me... But I have to escape.... It's my orders..."

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