Chapter 6 - Prisoner? Guest?

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Your eyes fluttered open, and you rolled over on your new bed to look at the clock. The clock read 5:55am, a time that was a little early for you. You just weren't accustomed to the new bed.

Sighing, you sat up and swung your legs out of bed, only to find that there was stack of folded clothing with a note on it where Germany greeted you yesterday. Being as curious as you are, you walked over to the pile of clothes and picked up the neatly written note to read it.


We went out and bought you some clothing. They probably won't be perfect, since we guessed your size, but hopefully they will suffice.

~ Axis

"Axis?" you quietly questioned. Wait. That was probably the trio's name that they had given themselves.

You picked up the clothing articles to examine them closely. The first item was a pair of black skinny jeans, and the second was a grey v-neck shirt. Noticing something red, you moved the shirt over to see a red pair of underwear with a matching bra.

Confused, flustered, shocked, and upset, you reached for the note again to read it. Apparently, you missed an important part.

P.S. - Italy picked out your "undergarments." He wouldn't shut up unless we bought them for you as a sign of good luck.

Wow. Okay then, that's awkward. You then slightly giggled as you imagined an uncomfortable Germany and Japan standing at a store checkout line with Italy holding a red bra and underwear.

Walking into the bathroom, you removed your hair from the bun you slept in and stepped in the shower. You also found shampoo, conditioner, and a bar of soap in there, and promptly made use of them under the cold water you used to wake yourself up.

After getting out of the shower, you brushed your wet hair, then continued to your teeth, before walking out to change into your new clothes. You were happy to find that the jeans were perfectly stretchy, and that the shirt was a little loose- you didn't want your shirt to be tight in case you had to make any sudden movements.

With your hair only slightly damp now, you put on your shoes and walked into the hall- only to find Germany coming out of his room across the hall.

"I see you found the clothes we laid out for you last night."

"Yeah, I did," you replied, blushing at Italy's part of the present.

You looked at him again, only to see his face growing red- he was probably recalling the incident himself.

Unsure of what to do next, you moved to close your bedroom door behind you before turning back around to face him. You noticed the bandage that was used to cover your knife's cut was gone from his face.

"I don't think anyone else is awake yet- how does breakfast sound?" He asked.

"Actually, that sounds like a good idea..." you trailed off, realizing you've already been awake a while and haven't eaten.

"Alright, I'll make eggs and sausage for everyone."

"Let me help- you guys did get me clothes, after all," you said, looking up at him as you both walked to the kitchen.

"Why did I just do that? Why didn't I think before speaking? I know better than to do that! I'm his prisoner- I don't owe him anything! But I don't feel like his prisoner... More like a guest..." you thought.

He gave you a sideways look before closing his eyes briefly.

"Alright. You can help."

In the kitchen, you took the carton of eggs out and cracked one egg for each person into a bowl before beating them with a whisk. You looked a little ways across the kitchen and noticed Germany focused on cutting the sausage into discs.

"Um, Germany?" you meekly said, scolding yourself in your mind for sounding so weak. "I was wondering why you treat me so well for a prisoner."

He stopped cutting and looked at you.

"Well, would you rather me treat you otherwise?"

Your eyes widened as you started waving your hands frantically and shaking your head no.

"I just didn't know- that's all."

He turned back to the cutting board as you returned to whisking the eggs.

"If you really want to know, I don't treat you like a prisoner because I didn't want to send you to the camps like other Prisoners of War."

You stopped whisking and looked at him for a moment. He seemed to be exceptionally sad at the mention of them. You realized that the camps must be a really horrible place, considering it made a strong man like Germany upset.

"He hasn't been in isolation like I have- there's no telling what he's been through or what he's seen. He's only following orders as I was brought up to do. He's doing his job... I still haven't done mine though... I need to find my weapons... I need to escape..." You thought, noticing the eggs were now sufficiently beaten. You didn't question what he said, so the two of you worked in silence as you cooked the eggs and he cooked the sliced sausage on the stove next to your pan.

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